As much as I loved their consideration, I felt like I was being held back. I didn't know how long I'd put up with them holding back from hurting me. There were a few times I felt like I should go to Jean. I even brought it up once, which was a big mistake. Connor didn't like the idea of anyone else hurting me either, and forbid it.

I didn't argue with him, but I wasn't going to heed his warning either.

Jean may have been cold to me, but he was a warrior; daring, risky, and talented with a blade or gun.

Despite my initial fears of him, approaching him I decided that I needed to eventually approach him about fighting with me.

But Jean wasn't someone I needed to worry about. If anyone gave me bad vibes, it was our chief, our leader, Miles Grayson.

The first week or so had been okay. At first, the glances he gave were harmless, curious for the most part. However, after he came over for a visit to check on the brothers, he had accidentally walked in on me while I was drying my hair off.

My whole body was exposed to him.

Since then, his looks had changed from harmless to hungry; curious to watchful.

He was making me nervous. And while Xain didn't seem to notice, Connor constantly did, and made sure to show Miles how much I was his as innocently as possible. Although based from his thoughts, his feelings, he wanted to ravage me in front of Miles.

I didn't dare ask if that was Connor's true thought and simply left it at that.

But, despite the uneasy sensations I was getting from a few of the werewolves, I felt as if I had nothing to worry about. From time to time, I did think about Josh and how because of me, his older brother was dead.

If I had the chance to go back and stop all of it from happening, I would've. But, there was no going back from what happened, and from this point on, I had to move forward.

And speaking of moving, the brothers and I ended up moving away from the house we were in to his father's house. It was larger, and I had my own room, but I rarely slept in it. If I'm not sleeping with the brothers, then...

Let's just say I end up having long nights and feeling sweaty yet blissful. Xain and Connor have gotten better at sharing me, but in the bedroom, both try to establish their dominance over me, leaving me screaming their names and begging for more.

Sex had just become part of a routine for us. A perfect, intimate routine. However, there was something I noticed about the two.

Their wolves were becoming restless, and ever since they found out about my ability to read their thoughts when near, they've both blocked me out.

I'm not sure of their reasoning for doing so, but I trust them, so I'm willing to wait until they tell me.

After all, I trust my wolves. And I know they trust me.


One night, I ended up sleeping in my own bed out of exhaustion. Although the brothers didn't train me too hard, I had another run-in with Charlie. It was official that she hated me because I was with Connor.

Despite asking said male werewolf several times what went on between him and Charlie, I've not gotten any answer. Xain refuses to answer any of my questions, which irritates me to no extent.

Do I not deserve to know more of my wolves' pasts? Or maybe it's because I know too much already?

I sighed, curling up and clinging to my pillow. I wanted to sleep, god knew, but despite being so tired, I was so restless at the same time.

The Imprinted Maiden (18+)Where stories live. Discover now