As we began to drive off, I avoided his eyes at all costs. I hoped he would turn on the radio to atleast tune out the incredibly uncomfortable silence that surrounded us, but he didn't.

Then my mind started to think about that woman from the bathroom. I suddenly realized that she was the same woman I saw at the cafe the day I fainted with Gale.

If she really didn't want me to be alarmed of her presence, why was she with Gale then?

Then as we pulled up to the hotel, I thought about the information Paris had said about Jackson and that woman in red.

The car then came to a halt at the hotel as I looked out the window, watching as Paris stepped out of their car and Markus did the same. Then something told me to look over my shoulder as I was met with the piercing eyes of Jackson. I gulped down a lump of nervousness at the look he gave me.

"Paris won't be staying with you tonight." He said, eyeing me, as I gulped and watched as he got out the car then.

I tried to calm my extremely shaky breaths as I unbuckled myself and began to also get out of the car. And as I had my hand on the door handle, it was being pulled open by Jackson as he waited for me to get out.

Paris and Markus were making their way into the hotel also as I followed and felt Jacksons undeniably close presence behind me. As we stepped inside, I noticed the lighter that was once on the ground was gone, and I felt a little timid walking into the hotel.

Something felt off.

I felt a hand at the base of my back, pushing me forward at a faster pace than I was originally going, and as I glanced back at Jackson he kept his eyes forward as we stepped onto the elevator and the doors closed. I noticed that both Markus and Jackson were quiet the whole ride up, but they kept their hands in their pockets.

As we stopped on our floor, Markus first stepped out and looked down the hall both ways, then out of nowhere pulled out a gun from the back of his jeans and pointed it both ways as he dissapeared while walking away, and then peeked his head back around the corner.

"Its clear." He said to Jackson, as both Paris and I watched with looks of fright and overall wonder.

Then Markus nodded to Paris as she then stepped out of the elevator, and Jackson stepped aside to let me do so also. He was even closer now as every step I took forward, the pointy part of his boot would be right at the heel of my foot and I always felt his hand on my back.

"Check in at five minutes to thirty." Jackson threw over his shoulder to Markus as I glanced over my shoulder and noticed the way Paris stared at Markus with a look that I hadnt seen on her before.


Jackson pushed me into the room then  as I tripped over my foot and he closed the door behind him. He locked it, and then pulled out a black phone, quickly putting something into it as I watched with worried eyes.

I had thought about how he acted in the car on our way to the breakfast place, and although I didnt want a repeat of that to happen, I felt like I needed to know what was going on. Especially after what Paris had said about his whereabouts the night before.

"Jackson, whats going on." My voice was softer than it ever had been, and it was a bit raspy as I gulped down that still nervous lump and watched as he put away the phone, and turned to me. His eyes were less intimidating now, but I still was cautious.

"Just get changed and go to bed." Were his words, as I was almost shocked to hear them. I furrowed my eyebrows, and to my utter shocked self, I scoffed. "Thats-Thats not what I asked." My voice was at first bold, but by the look he gave me that was more intimidating then, I coughed a little to tone down my voice.

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