The trial begins

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I slipped into my court outfit before I was dragged to the courtroom where me and Alex were sat together but handcuffed. "Good morning ladies." The Judge said as she entered the courtroom. Straight in front of me was the jury. My 3rd time having to face one. "Today's trial will only revolve around Miss Vause, however near to the end of the trial there will be a small hearing about Mrs Marshall's not guilty plea to the count of gross negligence." The judge directed to the jury who nodded. "I call Faye Marshall to the stand your honour." The prosecution lawyer said.

I was led down and placed in the witness box but was still handcuffed. "Members of the Jury, I must make it clear that in this witness box Mrs Marshall is to not be treated as a criminal but as a witness to the crimes Miss Vause has committed." The lawyer directed to the jury. "Mrs Marshall, on January 7th 2018 is it correct that Alex approached you and Piper at a time you were married proposing a plan to join a drug cult in Brazil?" The lawyer stated "That is correct." I responded. "And what was your initial response Mrs Marshall?" He added "I was shocked, I didn't want to risk freedom and risk being sent back to Litchfield." I sighed "But it's been made apparent that you did lose your freedom due to this social pressure of going to Brazil where you committed murder due to the dangerous situation you were put in at the hands of the leader?" He asked "Well yes but that was an accident." I replied. "It has been made apparent in statements taken by you both you fled to places all over the world including Brazil, Spain, Italy and Greece and during one of these trips you, Piper Chapman, Alex and even your own son were taken hostage?" He asked "Yes our boat capsized and as we were wanted criminals we were held hostage so they could get the profit. However when the captain was told we were worth nothing he was going to kill us starting with my son." I said "It has been made clear that on numerous occasions your sons safety was put in great peril?" He asked. "Yes but as a mother I should have thought about Kevin's safety before I took the decision to go on the run." I replied.

My questioning is going on for hours. Going over every step of the past 3 years is killing me. But he had finally finished. "Your honour, and members of the jury I must ask you to see this case from the perspective of a helpless mother who chose to flee the country with her wife out of fear of losing Alex. Alex is manipulative and wasn't afraid of losing her wife and even chose to divorce her midway through their life on the run". The lawyer said manipulating my words to make Alex look bad. I was taken back to the stand where I joined Alex. "I'm so sorry." I sighed "it's not your fault." She smiled.

"Mrs Marshall, if I may I would like to take a break from Alex's case and discuss your family life to make members of the jury aware of your current situation." My lawyer said. "Mrs Marshall, what was it like hearing the words 'I want a divorce' from your wife of 2 years?" He asked. "It was heartbreaking however we were constantly arguing and it wasn't healthy for either of us." I replied "Would you describe yourself as a loving person Faye?" He asked. "I'd like to think so." I responded "See isn't it correct that when your ex wife went into labour you even delivered the child and tried to revive the child who sadly passed away?" He asked. "Yes that is correct." I replied. "And tell me about your family now Faye." He asked "Well last November I married the man of my dreams Ben, him and Alex get a long well with each other. And during our wedding which Alex officiated I gave birth. And Alex helped deliver my twins Tess and William." I said trying to save Alex. "How hard is it to not be able to see your newly born children Faye?" He continued. "It tears me apart every day." I said before starting to cry. "Members of the jury and of the courtroom, I suggest we take a 15 minute break." The Judge said before standing up and leaving. Me and Alex remained in the stand, I was tired and exhausted I just want this over.

About 20 minutes later everyone came back into the courtroom again. "After speaking with various members of staff we shall finish the trial for today and shall return tomorrow where Miss Vause will be speaking in the dock." The judge announced to us all. "Come on ladies." The guard said to us and me and Alex stood up in our shackles and walked out of the courtroom and back to the holding cell beneath the court room.

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