Our new life

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"Alex wake up your going to be late for work!" I shouted up the stairs to Alex as she was still asleep "I'm coming." I heard her groan as she struggled to wake up, "I made you breakfast." I said as she stumbled down the stairs "Thanks sweetie. Oh and don't let me forget, happy anniversary!" She said and handed me a gift "I can't believe we have been married for 2 years now!" I exclaimed as I rummaged around trying to find my gift for her. "I'll be sure to open this when I get to work. Have a good day!" She said and grabbed her things and left.

Life the past 2 years has been great, me and Alex finally managed to start getting along after our honeymoon. I'm glad things worked out. I stay at home as a single mother whilst Alex goes to work as a senior chairman for a high rising business and Piper studies at university to train to be a doctor. My brother turned 18 a month back so he's moved out so now it's just me and Kevin most of the time, Danielle moved away with my grandmother back to Spain for her job so we don't see each other much. I spend my days tidying the house, taking Kevin to play groups I admit it gets kinda lonely but I never get bored.

"Kevin come downstairs I need to take you to play group!" I said to Kevin who was playing in his room, he came running out and emerged next to me. I cannot get over the fact he's 2 now. I got him ready and placed him in the car and dropped him off at play group before heading to the grocery store. I was strolling through the store buying stuff when a woman spoke over the speaker system "Can the driver of a blue 4x4 please come to the front desk." She spoke. It hit me that I drive a blue 4x4 but it could be anyone? Nevertheless I headed over to the customer service desk. "Hello is your vehicle the blue car with the registration FMV1996?" She asked. I chose that registration as it resembled my initials and my birth year. "Um yeah?" I replied "Our cctv cameras caught the vehicle being stolen about 20 minutes ago." She mumbled "For fuck sake!" I exclaimed and slammed my fist on the desk "Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to retain your violence." She sneered "I'll show you fucking violence. I went to jail because I nearly killed someone and I can damn well do it again." I said trying to scare her. I snatched my purse of the desk before storming away, fuming at how rude she was to me.

The only reason why I care so much as to why my car has been stolen was that Alex does a little side job, she sells drugs it's nothing major it's just to make a little extra cash, I always make sure Kevin stays out of it and I will always protect him from danger, a local druggie must have recognised the car and taken it. Stupidly I let Alex store some of the drugs in the trunk of the car so if he finds that we have lost about $500. I paid for my groceries and left the store before grabbing my phone and called Alex. "Hello Mrs Vause speaking." She said politely "Damn you know how to arouse a woman with that voice." I said trying to bring her around before I tell her the news. "Faye... What's wrong?" She asked "My car got stolen, presumably by a local druggie and there was about $500 worth of stuff in the trunk." I sighed "Baby it's fine done worry about it." She said nicely "So your not mad?" I questioned "Of course not, Anyways I've got a proposition for you and Piper but I have to wait for it to be confirmed I'll tell you in a few days. Love you." She said and hung up. Well that went better than expected, usually she would be pissed as anything but I guess this 'proposition' has made her happy I just hope it's nothing bad or stupid that could ruin our lives.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now