The birth

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My bump is getting bigger and bigger by the day, I can't leave the hotel room without people congratulating me and asking when I'm due, people here are so much nicer than back home. I've been thinking a lot recently, maybe after I've given birth Ben should just take the kids and run so me and Alex can face the consequences of our crimes. But I don't want to miss out on my children's childhoods.

I pulled out my phone and arranged for Alex to come round so we can all talk. When she arrived I got her and Ben to sit down. "What's up?" Ben said as I waddled into the room and stood at the table. "I've been thinking. We've been on the run for too long now. Maybe it's for the best that when I give birth that you take the kids and go and me and Alex, if she wants to hand ourselves in...." I blurted and they both looked in horror. "What no! I'm not leaving you to be sent to rot in jail. Our kids need you!" Ben said trying to talk me out of it. "She has a point Ben, there's no guarantee that we won't be caught any day now especially when Piper has told the police everything. If we are lucky and hand ourselves in our sentences might be reduced." Alex said agreeing to the plan. "I've been avoiding the police for years but that's not for me anymore. We aren't getting any younger and with everyday more and more people are out there looking for us." She added. "I can't believe this, if you go we might never see each other again." Ben said to me. "You have been a much better parent to Kevin than I've ever been. You can do the same for the twins." I said to Ben who at this point was crying. "But you'll never be my wife...." he sighed, "Well we can change that." I said but he wasn't paying attention.

~Next day~
"Good morning ladies and gentleman to a lovely sunny day in Bulgaria, today is November 3rd." Someone on the TV said as I stood making breakfast. I'm due any day now and with everyday that goes by I know is a day closer to when I'm going to say goodbye to my children and Ben. Me and Alex have been organising a secret wedding, Alex is now qualified to officiate weddings so why not hold our own ceremony in the hotel room. "Ben is gunna be back in 25 minutes so you need to get ready." Alex said "Bit weird isn't it that my ex wife is officiating my wedding?" I joked as I went into my room and slipped on a casual white dress. I know it's not the big white wedding but I want to do this for Ben.

Moments later he came in through the door. "What's all this?" He chuckled. "We're getting married. Now hurry up!" I said and pointed to a suit hung up on the door. Without hesitation he put it on and joined me and Alex again. "Ben, since the day we first met I knew there was a connection between us, we've been through so much together and I know that whatever happens you will always be there for me." I said trying to keep my vowels as short as possible. "Faye. Where do I start. You and Kevin have bought so much happiness to my life since the day we first met when I sold you those Villas. No matter where we maybe this ring will always bring us together." He said and placed the wedding ring on my finger, it was a shirt ceremony but we are officially husband and wife.

We stood embracing the moment before I felt like I was peeing myself. "Oh god!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong?" Ben said as a shooting pain rocketed through my stomach. "I'm giving birth." I exclaimed as the pain got worse. "Shit!" Ben said as he took me to the bedroom as we got prepared. "Maybe we should take you to hospital?" Alex said in a panic. "No hospitals!" I exclaimed. Ben came rushing back in with some warm water and towels. "When you feel a contraction push as hard as you can!" Ben said to me "I have been through this before!" I snapped back at him as the pain got worse. I felt ready and started to push and more than 3 pushes later I felt the deafening but heartwarming scream of a child. "It's the girl!" Ben cheered as he passed her over to Alex who cleaned her up. "It won't be long now!" Ben said excitedly as I continued to push to get the second baby out. This time it took longer and was a lot more painful. I took one last and final push before the baby came out but there was no scream.

Alex rushed over and took the baby to the kitchen area. "No this can't happen!" I said and flung my head back and started to cry but moments later there was a sigh of relief as I heard the baby crying. "He's ok! Babe he's ok!" Ben cheered as he held my hand. "Congratulations Faye!" Alex said as she placed the baby down. But this wasn't as hopeful as expected, now it's just time now of deciding when I'm going to have to say goodbye.

"What should we call them?" Ben said as he stood holding the girl and I held the boy. "I was thinking Tess Elisa Marshall for her." I said "After your mother?" Ben asked. "You don't like it do you?" I sighed. "I think it's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiled at me. "What should we call the boy?" I asked Ben. "I like the name William Arthur Marshall" Ben replied. "It's perfect!" I said and smiled. "Ben, Faye, Kevin, Tess & William, our perfect family." Ben said as we stood together holding hands. God I don't want this to end.

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