Sneaking away

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I received a call from Alex in the night, to my surprise they made it undetected but they have to stay in Mexico for 5 more days for things to 'settle'. I don't know what that in titles but that's what she said. In the spare of the moment I decided I was gunna go home just for a few days and then come back before Alex returns and she won't know a thing.

I booked some cheap flights and soon found myself back in the USA. Although I was a wanted criminal my family didn't know this or at least pretended like they didn't for my sake. "FAYE?!" My sister screamed as she opened her front door and hugged me "What are you doing here?" She exclaimed "Alex went away on business and I was bored so I guessed I would come and visit." I chuckled.

"She's beautiful." I whispered as I went inside and held my niece "What's her name?" I asked "Penelope Marshall." She replied "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I smiled and held the baby's hand. "How's Oliver?" I questioned "He's fine I'm certain he's missed you more than anyone. How long are you here for?" She asked "4 days. I would say permanently if I came back a few days ago." I blurted "Why what's wrong?" She asked "I don't think I love Alex anymore." I sighed "Like I do love her but not in the way a partner should. We argue a lot and she puts herself before thinking of others." I mumbled "Have you talked to her about this?" She questioned "No, I can't yet. I don't want to leave her as I care about her a lot it's just we don't seem to be happy" I sighed.

The next day soon came and I just relaxed at my sisters house for the day. I was just sat on the sofa when my phone ran and saw it was Alex "Hello?" I muttered "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Someone shouted down the phone it wasn't Alex I recognised that voice it was.... 'Fred'. He was angry. "Umm I'm just at umm, I'm back in America." I mumbled "What did I say to you Faye?" He sneered "It was only for a few days I was going to come back I promise." I pleaded "You best get yourself on the next flight back here. You have 24 hours and if not you can say goodbye to Alex do I make myself clear?" He ordered "Yes." I replied and hung up.

I was scared he frightened me a lot what if he hurts Alex? I packed up a few of my things before making an excuse to my sister as to why I had to leave. I headed to the airport and soon found myself driving back to the house.

I entered the door and saw Alex, Piper and Fred stood in front of me. "What were you playing at?" Alex asked but I didn't respond "ANSWER ME" she screamed which caused me to jump. "Come on Faye we are waiting" Fred piped up "I went to visit my sister." I mumbled "Do you realise how much danger you put us all in?" Piper snapped "Wait so carrying 3 suitcases full of drugs in a airport full of security isn't dangerous yet me going home harmlessly is enough to land us all in jail?" I raise my voice.

For the whole evening I sat in the bedroom with Kevin, I could hear them all outside talking about me and how selfish I'm being. I've had enough maybe I should just leave.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum