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It was the morning after I stupidly decided to agree to help Alex and her little gang, "Morning" I bluntly said as I wondered downstairs to see Alex working "What are you doing?" I asked "Booking flights" she replied "Where to?" I questioned "The head of the ring wants us to meet him all the way over in India whilst he's away doing more business. You don't have to come if you don't want but it would be better if you did just to say hi and so he trusts you." She said and held my hand "I'll go but only to meet him and Kevin stays out of it." I demanded "Deal. Kevin can go to a kids club at the hotel." She said and smiled before closing her laptop "Oh someone is coming to view the house later." She shouted as she was in the shower. I sighed. I didn't want to sell this house....

"Alex we have to sit and do some work tonight on our schedule for the next few months." Piper said as she sat eating her breakfast next to Alex, I sat away from them as I watched the news and ironically it cut to a drug gang broadcast "Drug smuggling is on the incline as a gang from Texas was cut trying to smuggle cocaine worth 1 million dollars into the United States" a news broadcaster said "Can you turn that off? We are trying to do real work over here!" Piper hissed at me "Hey don't be mean, Faye has a important role too in this industry she's responsible for all the money!" Alex said defending me and smiled at me, "Here take this and go out and treat yourself." Alex said and got up and handed me $100 trying to get me out the house, without hesitation I took the money and headed to my car, she's been slightly off with me since my car got stolen a few days back which had some of her drugs in it but it was an accident.

I grabbed my coat and keys and headed outside and went to unlock Alex's car, I got in and started up and drove to the local mall trying to take my mind of things, I walked around a bought a few clothes but nothing much really. I returned to the car and checked my phone to see a text message of Alex..
"Something has gone wrong, me and Piper are flying out tonight. Stay here and I'll see you in a few days. Love you xx".
Great now what am I going to do? We've been swarmed for the whole week with people trying to view the house I can't exactly play the role of perfect homeowner can I? I didn't bother replying to her text I was a little angry really. It took me a while to realise I left Kevin at the house with Alex and Piper, I picked up my phone and rang Alex "Hello?" I heard her say down the phone "Please say you didn't leave Kevin home alone?" I sneered "Oh shit, Faye I'm so so sorry!" She pleaded "Save it, if I get home and something has happened you better get on that plane before I tell the police everything and say you left him home alone!" I hissed and hung up. I fumbled around trying to start the car and when I did I took off trying urgently to get home.

I arrived home and left the car door open and everything and sprinted inside, I ran upstairs to Kevin's room to see him fast asleep, I let out a little sigh of relief, glad that he's safe. I walked downstairs and grabbed my bags and bought them inside when Alex texted me.
"Is Kevin ok? Xx"
I replied back moments later being really blunt "Yes" to which she replied again minutes later "Boarding the plane now, love you xx" how could she be so selfish she's really getting to me again, it's like we are going back 2 years when we had that time where we never got along, I texted back one last time "Bye" I wanted to make it known I was beyond pissed off with her. I turned off my phone and headed to bed absolutely worn out by how exhausting today has been.

~Next Morning~
I woke up to the sun beaming through the window and onto my face causing it to sting slightly. I led in bed for a whole scrolling through all my social media before noticing my bedroom door was starting to open, I started to panic I looked in suspense to see who it was only to see 2 bright blue eyes staring at me "Mommy?" I heard Kevin say "Oh Kevin it's you, you gave mommy a fright." I said and signalled for him to come over and hug me. He jumped up on the bed and led next to me "Where's Alex and aunty Piper?" He said considering he was only 2 he's very observant "They had to go last night, they'll be back soon." I said and kissed his forehead. I still wasn't over the fact Alex left him home alone for more than half an hour. Anything could have happened but luckily it didn't.

I grabbed the vacuum out of the cupboard and tidied up the house before the first viewers of the day arrived. So far no one has made us a acceptable offer before this nice middle aged couple came to the door. "Hello I'm Ricky and this is my wife Judy" a man said as he introduced himself as I opened the door "Hey I'm Faye." I said and let them in. There was awkward silences between each room we went to and looked at, I told them as much as I could about the house hoping that they would think I was lying and wouldn't buy it. Towards the end of the viewing Ricky took out a cheque book and wrote out a cheque.

I looked in horror as I saw he has offered us 2 million dollars for the house, we only bought it for $350,000. I didn't think about the fact I didn't want to sell the house but I took it but I had a plan. I was going to convince Alex we sold the house for a million and I keep the other million in a emergency fund in case this drug job goes wrong. I was kinda excited now, I felt bad I practically have stolen money of Alex but I'm only looking out for myself and Kevin.

"Hey." I said as I picked up my phone as Alex called me "Hey I wanna apologise about the other night." She said to me "It's fine. On the bright side I sold the house today." I said I was deciding on whether to tell her the truth or not but I decided to keep to the lie "Perfect, how much did we get?" She asked "1 million" I replied the phone went silent for a few moments before I heard her scream "Are you serious? That's amazing we didn't even buy it for that price." She exclaimed "I know. When are you coming home? And more importantly what's happened for you to leave so soon?" I questioned "I'll explain more when I get home. Me and Piper are going to be here for at least another week. Sorry baby I've gotta go. Business calls I'll talk to you later. Love you" she said "Love y..." I couldn't finish my sentence because she cut me off but I feel better now about joining this drug ring knowing I have an escape route if things go wrong. Lets just hope they don't....

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now