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"Alex the storm is really bad" Nichols exclaimed as well pulled together to try and get our battered ship out of danger, Piper and Alex were running around like headless chickens securing everything down whilst I stood back helpless, I went down deck to check on Kevin, the boat was shaking about from side to side I was surprised Kevin could sleep.

I sat trying to read when the power went out "SHIT!" I heard someone exclaim from above deck, I slowly emerged into the pouring rain to see the other on the floor in rain jackets "POWER IS OUT" Alex screamed to me, I went back down and comforted Kevin who had woken up by the shouting. I sat reading him a story when a massive wave slammed into the side of the boat, the boat started tipping to one side which was kinda normal but I knew something was wrong when I could feel it carrying on going over, I looked at Red in horror and clutched Kevin as we realised the ship was rolling over. Water flooded in and we were soon submerged into water, Nichols, Chapman and Alex were no where to be seen.

Me and Red struggled to break down the door which was being pushed shut by the water but we got it free just in time, I grabbed Kevin and swam out and emerged in the icy cold sea. "Grab something" Red calmly said, in the distance I saw the emergency life raft which had inflated when it hit the water I pointed at it to Red and we swam over and all climbed inside.

"Where's Alex and the others?" I said to Red, she looked in horror as in the distance we saw two pairs of arms flapping around in the water, I chucked Kevin over to Red and jumped in the water and swam over, I grabbed Piper and Alex and directed them to the life raft and they climbed in, we put the top over to shield ourselves from the rain, "Where's Nichols?" Piper questioned as she sat shivering. Alex peered her head outside to see if she could find Nichols "Shit...." She said and we all looked outside to see Nichols lifeless body floating in the water just outside the raft. "Does she have a pulse?" Red said asking for hope, Alex looked at her before shaking her head.

For the following hours no one spoke when in the distance we could hear the bellowing sound of a ships horn we all clambered outside and in the distance saw a gigantic cargo ship heading our way, "get the flare thing." Piper said and Alex clambered over and grabbed the gun before shooting the bright red spark into the air, after a few shots it worked and we soon gathered the attention of the boat, let's just hope they don't know who we are....

A/N: I haven't wrote anything for over a month so this update is probably shit, sorry....

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now