The boss from hell

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Warning! This chapter contains content which may be inappropriate for some audiences.

I woke up slightly dazed and confused as to where I was but I remembered I was in Brazil. "Morning" Alex groaned as she woke up. We led in bed for a while just embracing the moments we have together. I emerged out of bed and got ready so did Alex and Piper. Whilst I was drying my hair Alex came into the bedroom "Gotta go out and do work I don't know what time I'll be back" she said "Bye be safe" I replied and kissed her on the cheek.

I was alone for the majority of the day, in his huge villa that wasn't even mine. I had to chuck my phone away when we moved here so I don't know how my brother is doing. He turned 18 a few days ago and started his new job in Texas, thankfully my uncle lives there so he can look after him. I settled down with Kevin and turned on the news to see my face flashed up on the screen, Kevin screeched and pointed at the TV in awe at the fact I was on the TV.

"Faye Vause as well as her partner Alex and friend Piper Chapman fled to an unknown location on Tuesday evening, police want to locate the girls to check on their wellbeing" the news reporter said, Alex never said they would know we left. It was midnight at this point, Kevin was asleep and I was still awake nervous as to what time Alex would be coming home.

It turned a little after 3:30am when I heard the front door open and heard the giggles of Alex and Piper as well as a guy walk inside. "Shh Faye is asleep" Alex said in a drunken state. I flipped the light switch and caught them red handed. "Hey honey" Alex said trying to sober up "Care to explain who your new friend is?" I sneered "I'm your boss sweet cheeks" he said sarcastically before pulling a bitch smile. "If your going to party keep the noise down, I have a toddler who's trying to sleep" I replied before grabbing a glass of water and going to bed.

I finally went to bed and just as I started to doze off I heard someone open the door, it was too quiet to be Alex I could hear her laughing from down the corridor. I led frozen before I felt someone climb on to the bed. I felt a hand brush passed my hair and the cover fall off. I felt someone breath right near my neck "I love you" I heard someone whisper. I opened my eyes a little to see my so called 'boss' half naked and led on top of me. I built up courage and pushed him off and pounced towards the door but he grabbed me and pulled me back "Don't think so" he exclaimed and chucked me onto the bed. "HELP" I screamed and heard footsteps running towards the door, it swung open and Alex was there in the doorway stood in shock.

I got off the bed and ran over to Alex and she reassured me and hugged me "I think it's for the best of you go" she hissed at the guy, he grabbed his stuff and left and I collapsed to the floor in tears "Shh it's ok, I'm here" she said and carried on hugging me "He's not going to hurt you." She said trying to comfort me. She took me over back to the bed and placed the quilt over me "I'll be right here." She said and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the following day and saw Alex looking at me "Hey" she spoke softly "Hi" I replied before getting up. I got into the shower and got ready and headed downstairs. I made my way half down the stairs but stopped in horror as I saw my boss downstairs with Alex and Piper. "Don't worry, he's come to apologise." Piper said to me "I don't want his apology, I want to go home" I cried "You know the consequences if we done that" Alex spoke "Remember Faye me and Alex just didn't bring normal holiday items with us we brought drugs and a lot of money, that alone will get us all back to Litchfield including yourself." Piper said trying to persuade me not to go.

"Give yourself a month to see how things go, and if you want to go you can." The boss said who's name is supposedly Fred however I don't believe that. "Whatever" I spoke "Before you go there's some money which needs to be counted." He said and placed a large bag on the counter, I opened the bag and inside was hundreds of bank notes all placed on top of each other "There should be $150,000 in this bag, any less then you need to let me know. Ok?" He asked "Sure." I replied before taking the bag upstairs, what's stopping me from taking this money and starting a new life of my own. This would be more than enough to get me started.

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