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After a short break the police were all over the building before someone in charge came up to us with a few officers following behind. "If you ladies would like to come with us down to the station we need to do some tests to confirm you really are, although it's obvious to me you are who you say you are it's protocol." A man said to us as me and Alex stood amazed.

"Hands out ladies." A police officer said as he handcuffed us before another officer grabbed our bags and we were lead outside where people from the news had swarmed the area. We were put in a car and then driven to the local police station where we were separated. "Good morning, I just need to fill out some paperwork." The man at the desk said, "Full name and age please." He said "Faye Eloise Marshall, and I'm 27 years old." I said "Marital status." He continued "Married." I replied. "Take her straight to the holding cell, someone will be down to talk to her later about her deportation back to New York." The guy said to the officer who held a firm grip on my arm before he led me to the cell and placed me inside and closed the door which slammed behind me.

I sat for a while on the bed, crying mainly. I miss Ben and the kids. Maybe this was a mistake? Before I could think the door flung open and a man came in and the door was shut again. "Mr... Mr Healy?" I said in shock. "What have you gotten yourself into Marshall." He sighed before he sat down. "What's going to happen to me Mr Healy." I muttered "You and Alex are being put on a flight tonight, you'll be in a courtroom by tomorrow afternoon, I'll be with you every step of the way but I need you to be truthful. What happened to Red and Nicky?" He asked. "Nicky... drowned. When we were sailing to Spain the boat capsized, and then a few days later Red passed away, she's buried in the woodland behind the house we were staying in. I can give you the address." I blurted. "No need. What ever you tell me today you need to tell the Judge in court." He said trying to give me advice, "I suggest you get some sleep, you'll be on the 11:30 flight." He said before he got up and left and I lied down and somehow got to sleep.

I was woken up at 10:45 by an officer who handcuffed me "Ill be escorting you all the way back to New York." He said sternly before he power walked to the van and we sat in the back before we drove to the airport. We arrived at a back entrance where we were driven directly to a military plane. I walked up and expected it to be filled with hundreds of people but it was just me, Alex and the 5 guards escorting us.

The flight took off and I sat and thought about a lot. I wonder where Ben and the kids are? The whole flight consisted of being thrown about as we hit turbulence but it went very fast and we soon found ourselves being blinding by the New York sun as we slammed down onto the runway. The door opened and outside was a whole selection of guards greeting us. Me and Alex were soon separated and driven to a courtroom and placed in a locked room ready for our court appearance. It shouldn't be too long it's only to hear the charges against us and whether we plead guilty or not guilty. I still need to decide.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now