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"Morning sleepy." Ben said as he woke up in my bed for the 4th time this week. "Ben it's 5am go back to bed." I said before slumping my face in a pillow. In the distance Kevin was crying in his room, I let out a huff before getting up. "I'll deal with this, you go back to sleep." Ben said before smiling at me "Thank you!" I said back before flying back into bed, this is the first time in weeks I've slept properly. It's been about 2 months since we arrived in Greece, me and Ben are taking things slow, I'm still really good friends with Alex and Piper and am still gunna support her especially at her scan today.

A few hours passed and my alarm went off. I wrapped myself in a dressing gown before going downstairs to see breakfast already ready, this has never happened to me before, not even with Alex it was always me making breakfast. "I hope your hungry!" Ben exclaimed before shoving another bunch of pancakes onto the table. "Kevin take this to your mom." He said before giving Kevin a little box. "Thanks sweetie." I said to Kevin before taking the box of him. I opened it up and inside was a ring, it was wonderful. Beautiful wasn't even the word to describe it. "Ben... this is beautiful." I exclaimed "Maybe now you can accept my invitation to be your boyfriend?" He said excitedly. "Come here!" I exclaimed before jumping into his arms and kissing him. "I love you!" I whispered to him.

"Right I'm going to Alex's scan, if you need anything call me. Kevin should be ok until I get back." I said to Ben who was sat playing with Kevin. "Chill me and the little man can do this!" He said reassuring me as I left. Outside Alex was already waiting by my car. "Ready?" I said to her and she nodded. We drove to the local clinic and went inside, we used fake ID for now so no one would know who we are, Alex even wants to give birth at home so we don't have to risk going to hospital so we've all been taking part time midwifery classes to help. "Denise Gillingham?" A nurse said "Alex that's you." I whispered to Alex who was oblivious, "Oh sorry." Alex said to the nurse who was waiting and we got up and went into the scan room.

"The baby looks okay, nothing to worry about. I can tell you the gender if you'd like?" The nurse said and Alex agreed "I've been waiting to experience this feeling again ever since we found out about Kevin." Alex said and I smiled. The nurse continued to scan Alex's bump until she was sure about the gender. "It's a little boy." The nurse said. "A little playmate for Kevin." She said and smiled at me. We soon left before driving back to our homes and going our separate ways.

I walked inside "Hello?" I shouted out but there was no reply. I walked into the kitchen and there was a note on the side "Gone to the beach. Don't worry I've taken suncream -Ben x" he's so sweet. I took the time to just sit and have a few moments to myself and to finally call my sister after almost 3 months. "Hello?" I heard her say as she picked up the phone. "It's Faye." I replied "Faye I'm so happy to hear from you!" She exclaimed down the phone. We talked for about an hour before Ben came back "I've gotta go. I'll call you in a few days." I said quickly before hanging up. "Hey there's my 2 favourite boys." As I greeted Kevin and Ben who both came running in. "Did you have fun?" I said to Kevin and I nodded. "Yeah it was brilliant wasn't it mate?" Ben said before rubbing Kevin's head. "You have sand all over you!" I said to Ben as it was spewing from his pockets. "Jesus Christ" I said before laughing hysterically as he ran outside to brush himself off. I think he's the one.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now