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It's been about 3 weeks since me, Red and Nichols all escaped Litchfield. As far as I could tell the prison riot lasted less than an hour before SWAT teams took over control. They took a prison count and noticed 3 people missing, those people being us and now we are well and truly screwed.

"What are you doing?" I said to Alex as she rushed out of our hotel bedroom with bags "We've got a boat to catch!" She exclaimed "What!" I screeched "Hurry up and get your things." She directed, I stood up and placed Kevin down so he could play and went over to Alex and took her hand "I've barely been out for a month and we are moving again, whenever we move bad things happen." I sighed as we held hands "Baby it's for the best, the cops are right on our trail and me and Kevin will not lose you again!" She said and lifted my chin before slamming her lips onto mine.

I went and packed up my clothes before Alex told us to stay in the room until the car was outside, we waited hesitantly until my phone buzzed "Car is here, be quick xx" she texted me. I grabbed Kevin and the others followed me downstairs and we got into the car without any issues, "Hey Vause, where are we going?" Nichols tapped Alex as she was driving "I haven't got that far yet, a contact got us a boat so we could escape." She said "And by a 'contact' I mean someone associated with drugs who in favour wants you to smuggle some on the boat?" I said and Alex went red in the face "I'm not stupid Alex." I said and rolled my eyes. "Woah woah woah! I don't want anything to do with your drug shenanigans!" Red butted in and soon we were all arguing with each other.

We arrived at the marina and all around were exotic yachts "Okay so which ones ours?" I asked and Alex pointed at a gigantic yacht in the distance. "Wow, it's has a pool on it to?" I questioned "No not that one, that one!" She said and pointed again and behind the massive yacht was a tiny little cruiser no bigger than your average minibus and was covered in rust and looked completely unsafe. "I am not getting on that!" Piper exclaimed. "Come on it'll be fun!" Alex said trying to lighten the mood but no one was impressed.

We all walked over the wooden pier "Shit!" I exclaimed as my heel got stuck in between the wooden planks and I fell over and everyone started laughing "Not funny guys!" I chuckled before Nichols helped me up and we walked over to the boat. I was hesitant to get on, the water was choppy and I'm certain I saw a shark in the distance. "Come on take my hand!" Alex said, moments later sirens echoed throughout the whole marina. "Crap!" Alex whispered "Quick hurry we don't have long!" She added, I passed Kevin over to Red who was on the boat and she took him into the cabin area and I climbed on board.

The sirens were getting louder and louder and the boat had no signs of starting "Come on your piece of junk!" Alex screamed at the engine as if it was a person, we all thought hope was lost as we saw cops running towards the boat when the rusty old engine roared to life, Alex cut of the rope tying the ship to the dock and we were away. "Bye losers!" Nichols exclaimed and waved as we saw cops gather on the pier as we sailed out into the Atlantic Ocean, but where will we end up? I mean that's if a police boat doesn't catch us.

A few hours passed and it looks like we escaped, luckily! Everyone else was inside the ship except me and Alex we were up on the deck watching the sun disappear into the night sky. "Close your eyes and pick a place on the map." Alex said to me, I closed my eyes and placed my finger on a random place on the map, I opened my eyes "Guess that's where we are going!" She said and smiled as I saw it landed on Spain "That's if this piece of junk lasts that long." I said ruining the mood "It will! Trust me!" She said and wrapped her hands in mine and we embraced in a hug under the night sky.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now