Goodbye Mrs Reznikov

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"Come on Red, you've been here for almost a day, we are leaving in a few days." I said and emerged into Red's temporary bedroom. I walked over and opened the curtains and didn't see Red moving, "Come on I said get up!" I hissed and flung back the covers and looked in horror. Her lips were blue, her skin was pale white. No words came out of my mouth. I calmly leant in to see if she was breathing or if she had a pulse. Nothing.

I slowly raised the cover back up and stepped out of the room and shut the door behind me and calmly walked downstairs to Alex and Piper who were playing with Kevin. "What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Alex said jokingly not realising. "Baby.....?" She further said as I didn't respond. "It's Red.... she's passed away." I said as tears started to well up. "I knew something was wrong. I just knew it" I said before collapsing to the ground. Piper and Alex remained quiet as Alex came over to me "Is she in her bedroom?" She said quietly and I nodded. She gave me a quick hug before going into the room Red's body is in before shutting the door. Piper sat quiet, I could tell she was upset.

I slowly pulled myself together and made me and Piper a cup of coffee as Alex was in Red's bedroom. She came out after about 40 minutes and sat at the dining table in the house. We all looked at her "She's definitely gone." She sighed "What do we do? Do we call a doctor?" I suggested. "No, they'll know who we are. We will have to do things our way. I'm going out." She said and grabbed the car keys. "Where are you going?" I questioned "To buy a coffin. What do you think?" She snapped.

She came back a few hours later and to my surprise she actually did buy a coffin. "This is a joke right?" I argued "Well what else do you expect Faye? We can't call a doctor and risk getting arrested. We will have to bury her ourselves. It's the least we can do." She argued back "No the least we can do is call a doctor and undertaker who is specialised in this sort of thing. Not make our own cemetery in a backyard of a house that fucking doesn't belong to us." I raised my voice "Shut your fucking mouths the pair of you, Kevin's asleep and there's a dead body less than 20 feet away from us" Piper interrupted.

I went to the bedroom and led down, I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I feel responsible. Nicky's died and now Red. It's only a matter of time before one of us will probably die. I slowly drifted off but I could hear Alex and Piper in Red's room presumably moving Red's body. I woke up the next morning and emerged out of the bedroom. "Put this on." Alex said and handed me a short black dress with heels. "I can't believe we are doing this." I said but quickly got changed. We all went outside and into the woods behind the house. It was a short but agonising trek to an open area of the woods. Already there was Piper who was stood next to the coffin.

We all stood awkwardly for a while. Before using the strength of all 3 of us we lifted the coffin and placed it into the hole dug by Alex and Piper overnight. "I'm sorry it's not the funeral you deserve." Alex said as she wiped away a tear. "We love you Red. And your cooking." Piper said trying to make a little joke to lighten the mood. I stood in silence. "Let us know when your ready to go." Alex whispered to me and signalled for her and Piper to walk away. As they did I stood closer "You were always like my second mother. Even if we didn't see eye to eye. This shouldn't have happened. It's our fault this has happened and I bet its because of us being held prisoner on that ship. I'm sorry Red. I hope you can forgive me." I said.

I looked over at Alex and Piper in the distance who came back over holding shovels. "You can go back to the house if you want." Alex said, I turned around and started walking back to the house as I could hear Alex and Piper shovelling dirt into the hole they dug. I went back to the house and got undressed. I saw on the counter was Alex's laptop. I opened it up and saw chats between her and her friends but on one of the opened tabs was something I never expected to see. "How to divorce your spouse abroad" I read the title of the tab aloud. No please no this can't be happening. I closed the laptop and pretended I saw nothing but for the whole day I've done nothing but think about it.

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