New management

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Faye PoV
I ticked of another day in my calendar I've been here for 2 months now, things have gotten better no one really hates me anymore and I've managed to find myself a stable group of friends, all the guards are still here ones I managed to somewhat make friendships with, Caputo is on suspended leave so we have this new guy called Piscatella or some name like that all I know is he's a jerk.

"Ladies in a orderly que please!" Captain Piscatella directed to all of us as we lined up for food, everything has changed now food is served at 6:30am instead of 7:30am and we now have to work 10 hour shifts instead of 7 hours all thanks to this twat. "Ahh Vause what can I serve you today!" Red joked, I don't like being referred to as Vause as it reminds me of Alex but I guess that's my last name so I can't complain. I got another letter from Alex she somehow got back into America and is planning some great plan to get me out of this place which I highly doubt she will.

After I ate my daily slop I headed to the garden "Your late!" Lolly said to me I don't really remember her when I was in Litchfield last all I knew was that she was in Psych for some reason. "Yeah sorry I'll get to work now" I replied to her so she wouldn't overreact or something. For the first 4 hours of my shift I was mowing the grass in the prison grounds under strict supervision of Piscatella "You know I don't know why they allowed you to handle dangerous tools after you killed someone!" He sneered at me as I stopped for a quick break "You know I don't know why the prison hired a bully like you!" I sneered back "Cut the chat" he ordered "But you talked to me first!" I argued like a teenager "Do you want to go to the SHU inmate?!" He threatened. I gritted my teeth before turning back to mow the lawn.

After finally finishing work at 5pm I headed to commissary before it closed. "Evening Chang" I said "What do you want!" She said grumpily "Toothpaste and some soap." I replied before she scurried away to get my things. After I got my stuff I headed to the showers to be stopped by Piscatella "No showers!" He exclaimed "But it's 8:30pm the showers are open before lights go out." I argued back "Back to your bunk inmate." He ordered "But I've got soil in places soil shouldn't be in!" I pleaded before he chuckled and leant in "You have 3 seconds to get out of my face!" He said calmly and I stood my ground. "NOW!" He shouted and I jumped before running away to hear him laughing in the distance.

I went to my bunk and started to drift of to sleep, there is now 4 people to a bunk so there isn't much space, I took the bottom bunk so I could have the wall to hang up pictures of me and Alex. Once I got of to sleep I had multiple dreams about Alex and how this nightmare was just a dream and that I'll wake up and I'll be out of prison but to my disappointment I woke up still locked in this hell hole.

"Ladies out of your bunks!" Piscatella ordered at 4:30 in the morning "What's going on?" Someone asked "Remain silent!" He ordered as guards took a count of us all "All here captain" a guard said to Piscatella. I walked back into my bed before I was stopped by a guard "Your new wake up time is 4:30am, lights out is at 9:00pm. Get ready for work ladies" Piscatella ordered, uproar from the inmates soon followed before the deafening sound of a high pitched whistle to keep order in the bunk. We all looked at each other in disbelief. "When is Caputo coming back." Red asked "He's not." Piscatella replied bluntly "I run this place now." He sneered to us all before walking away.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora