I'm sorry Faye.

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It's been a few days since I left the apartment, just me and my little man. My phone sharply buzzed "You need to come home, it's important" I read as Alex sent me a text. I had no intention of moving back into the apartment so I just grabbed my hotel card and Kevin and got in a taxi before being driven back to Alex's apartment.

She met me abruptly outside "What's wrong?" I said as I reached to get Kevin out of the car. She ignored me before we walked upstairs, "Where's Piper?" I asked "She's gone to the store, I need to tell you this." She said and signalled for me to sit down. "The night we buried Red... when you were asleep I snuck out to the local bar." She started "And..?" I said signalling for her to continue, "I.... I slept with someone." She blurted. My heart sunk. "W-what....?" I said even though I fully understood what she just said. "I slept with a guy Faye...." she contributed adding insult to injury. And the words I had been dreading came flooding out "I'm pregnant." She said. I didn't respond, I just sat back and tried to take it all in.

Silence fell for about 5 minutes, "Well where do we go from here?" I said "I don't know." She replied "Jesus Christ Alex, you seem to always have a plan for everything yet you don't for this?" I raised my voice. "You know what maybe there is only one option for us." She sprung up out of the chair. "I'm sorry Faye. I want a divorce." She muttered. "We haven't been happy for months Faye. This isn't good for either of us, let alone Piper and Kevin. It's clear you won't be supportive of me being pregnant. Even though I was for you." She raised her voice "You chose to sleep with a stranger and to get pregnant, I didn't have a fucking choice." I shouted back. "You know what I feel sorry for your child. Growing up knowing it was conceived on a one night stand, if that doesn't say your a dirty cheating slut I don't know what does." I said as all this anger built up inside of me blurted out. She stood shocked before striking her hand across my face. "I'll get the divorce papers to you by Monday." She sneered before walking over to the door and opening it. I grabbed Kevin and stormed out as she slammed the door behind us.

~3 days later~
There was a knock at my hotel room door, I went over and opened it to see the receptionist holding a package "For you madam." He said and handed me the envelope "Thanks." I replied before handing him a $10 tip. I went over and opened the package knowing full well of its contents. The divorce papers. I briefly read through the 10 page contract. "All earnings and possessions between the couple produced during their time of marriage are to be split 50/50." What a bunch of bullshit all the stuff we had she sold to fuel her drug career.

After reading the contract I got to the signing stage. I already saw Alex's signature on the paper. Wow she wants to get rid of me so quickly doesn't she? I grabbed a pen and wrote my signature "F Vause" I abruptly wrote. Well I guess I'm going to be changing my name back to Marshall. As soon as I signed the contract my phone buzzed. To my surprise it was Alex. "Please come over as soon as you can. I don't want to leave things this way, together or not we need to talk x" I read off the message she sent, I sighed before typing back "Can you come to me? Kevin's asleep." I bluntly replied plus I can't afford to pay $50 each time for the taxi fare.

About half hour later someone opened the hotel room door, it was Alex. "Let yourself in" I hissed. "Here's your papers. I'm changing my name back to Marshall." I said and handed her the package of papers. "Thanks." She said "What do you want Alex?" I said "I know we aren't together anymore. But we need to stick together." She said "do you really think I'm going to come anywhere with you after this?" I replied "Fine go your own way but I can guarantee within minutes you will be back at Litchfield and this time Faye you will be going down for life." She said to me. "Hate me all you want but what you said the other day was true, I'm not proud of my actions but with us just being friends I think things will get better." She said trying to convince me. "Fine. But I'm staying here at the hotel. Text me with any plans." I said as I started to grab my coat. "Going somewhere?" She said "To the store, let yourself out." I said and grabbed Kevin's pushchair and went outside and shut the door behind me.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now