The date

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"Right Kevin should be okay for the night. Any problems call me." I said to Piper who offered to babysit whilst I went out with Ben. The doorbell rang a few moments later. I went over and opened the door to see Ben standing in front of me holding flowers. He's so sweet. "Hey." I said as I let him inside, "you look stunning. These are for you." He said and handed me the flowers. "Thank you they are beautiful." I said. "I'll take these. You guys go and have fun." Piper said to me who was surprisingly nice.

We stepped outside. Even though it's night time it's still very humid out here. I glanced at Alex's house which was next door to mine and I could see her glancing out the window as I got into Ben's car. "So where are we going?" I said trying to ignore Alex. "There's a restaurant that has spectacular views of the sea about 20 minutes away and then I thought we could get the real experience of Greece and go to one of the nightclubs?" He suggested, "Ben I'm a mother I can't go out nightclubbing." I joked. "Faye you're still young. Live a little." He chuckled before driving us to the restaurant.

We got inside and got sat down. Nothing on the menu stood out to me so I ordered a basic soup and Ben went for the seafood platter. Of course. I don't really class this as a date he's just becoming a good friend and he seems like a nice guy. We finished eating and I had to fight walking in my heels. We walked to the nightclub about 10 minutes away when my heel gave way "Woah!" Ben said and caught me and I was gazing right into his eyes. "Whoops sorry." I chuckled straight after and got up and composed myself. I took of my shoes and walked the rest of the way barefoot.

Music was blasting right out of the nightclub, it's been years since I went clubbing like a teenager again. We got inside and it was boiling hot, everyone was dancing and having a blast just like I remember it when I used to go out. "Come on get this down you!" Ben said and handed me a shot. "Jesus Christ" I said before laughing and drinking it "Oh the memories." I shouted to Ben who could barely hear me over the music. As the night progressed it turned from 1 shot to 15. 1 bottle of wine to 3 and we were soon out of our minds. "Y-you k...know." Ben said stuttering to speak as he was pissed out of his head "I-I've had a....a sma-smashing night." He said as he clung to my arm as I walked him back to the house, he wasn't fit enough to drive.

"Come on." I said as I unlocked the door and dragged Ben who was practically asleep inside. "S-shhh you'll wake blonde." He chuckled "I'm still here." Piper said as she emerged into the hallway "I'm really sorry." I said to her "It's fine, I'm glad to see you happy." She said "Goodnight." She said before leaving me and Ben alone. I sat him on the sofa and made him a coffee, I sat next to him as we sobered up a little. "I've had a good evening too." I said as we watched TV as the sun started to rise, "Wow we certainly were out all night huh?" He said as he looked outside before looking at me. We slowly leant in and kissed each other, for once I felt like a proper girl again. Everything that's wrong in my life didn't care. "So much for just friends?" Ben whispered before chuckling. "Let's take this upstairs." I said before laughing and taking his hand and heading to the stairs.

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