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I woke up at about 10am I slept over a bit but I was way to tired and stressed, Alex was already gone so yet another day alone. I got ready and made some breakfast before taking Kevin outside to allow him to play. I a little after I heard the doorbell go with a sharp knock after.

I progressed through the living room and made my way to the front door, I opened the door to see my 'boss' stood in front of me "Can I come in?" He said sharply "Umm" I hesitated "It won't take long." He said before barging passed me. "I can see your a nice girl Faye, who wants nothing but the best for your son. But you chose to come here and I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't leave. You fuck me over and take that money I left for you to count and I won't hesitate to kill your wife." He said and I became a little scared "Understood?" He added and I nodded in agreement "Good." He spoke.

There was an awkward silence before I heard the deafening scream of Kevin outside. I ran to the double doors and slung them open to see Kevin flapping about in the pool helplessly. He's only 2 he can't swim. I screamed for help, I couldn't exactly swim myself either only in the shallow end. Fred (My boss) came flying through the door and without hesitation surprisingly jumped in and grabbed Kevin and pulled him to safety. I clutched Kevin in my arms and refused to let go as he cried and coughed repeatedly.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Alex exclaimed as she came home to see us outside "He nearly drowned, I left him alone I'm a terrible mother." I sobbed "Thank you for what you did." Alex said to 'Fred' as he stood soaking wet. "Your not a terrible mother, your a great one. This was just an accident." Alex said "How can it be an accident if I left him alone to deal with your druggie boss." I exclaimed "Excuse me?" Fred interrupted before grabbing something from his pocket. I wasn't stupid I knew that what he was holding was a gun. I let out a small scream before clutching Kevin to protect him. "No!" Alex exclaimed before jumping in front of the gun "She has 3 days to sort herself out or her and her son will be both in that pool." I heard him say to Alex before leaving.

"Come here." Piper said and held out her arms for a hug "No I'm going to the hospital with Kevin." I sneered before walking straight passed her "Your so selfish." Alex hissed "Me? Me being fucking selfish? Your the one who blackmailed me with a divorce if I didn't come here. Maybe now I should have taken the offer whilst I could." I blurted "In fact take the ring." I said in anger and threw my wedding ring at her before storming out of the house.

A few hours later I was back, although I didn't want to be. Kevin was fine just exhausted. I settled him into bed before heading downstairs back to Alex. She didn't talk to me instead she bought out 3 suitcases and a bag of money. "What's this?" I asked "Your escape." She said bluntly "I don't get it?" I asked "You take this and start your new life away from me. Just you and your kid." She sighed "Now why would I do that?" I spoke "Because you practically called for a divorce before you left." She replied "And you thought I meant it?" I questioned "It seems serious." Piper interrupted "Of course I didn't mean it, I said it in the heat of the moment." I lied, secretly I was considering it highly and not coming back. "So your not going?" Alex said "Of course not, come here." I said and grabbed my wedding ring and embracing in a hug with her. I couldn't help but want to go but I love Alex too much to leave and I wouldn't want to put her or Piper in danger.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now