Time to take over

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Faye PoV
"Ladies rise and shine!" A guard said at 4:30 in the morning, everyone groaned as usual but I feel really refreshed today and I don't know why. "Hey Vause" someone whispered and saw it was Boo "Everyone's meeting later to discuss how we can get rid of that jerk, you in?" She said and pointed to Piscatella "Sure! What time?" I asked "6:30pm by the greenhouse but don't tell anyone!" She ordered and I nodded before heading to the showers.

After doing a ridiculous amount of labour, 10 hours of it to be precise I could finally go back to sleep for a few hours, "What's going on?" I asked as I went into my bunk and saw that my stuff was being rummaged through by guards "Strict orders by Piscatella so that the authorities can catch your wife." A guard said "What on earth would I have in my bunk to help you out?" I sneered "She's right there's nothing there." Another guard added "Thank you now scurry along!" I suggested and they walked away.

It was soon 6:30 in the evening and I headed outside without being seen to join the large group behind the greenhouse, there's at least 100 inmates here all coming together for the sake of getting Piscatella out of Litchfield. "I suggest a peaceful protest!" One inmate exclaimed "They won't take us seriously we need to get violent, trash the place!" Someone butted in "What for us to all get extra time and to get sent to maximum security?" I replied "You don't have to join just stay out of the way!" Red said to me.

After more negotiations between us we all came up with a plan, one I'm not gunna be taking part in but it's a violent protest, "I still don't think this is a good idea." I whispered to Nichols who was stood next to me as everyone scrambled to get some form of weapon whilst I walked back to the bunk.

I led in my bed just waiting for the sirens but this could be a good idea, moments later I could hear shouting as groups of inmates came in and starting trashing the place, guards scrambled to their safety shelter whilst a deafening alarm echoed throughout the whole facility, as a guard ran by my bunk he dropped his keys without realising, I hesitantly picked them up before people could see. "Bitch what are you doing!" Red hissed at me "This could be my only chance to leave this place! I need to get back to my son!" I hissed "I'm coming with you." She said in her strong accent, all around not a guard was to be seen only inmates smashing up the place and setting fires whilst chanting abuse about Piscatella "We need to get out without people seeing!" I said to her "I know just the place." She smiled and we started running.

We got to the kitchen and the place was empty we used the back exit to get outside where it was empty, the guard patrols were gone and there was no one about. We walked for a little longer before getting to the large gate which stores the van that prisoners can drive. After minutes of trying each key we got in and took the van keys and got in "How do we get out now!" I asked as I put my seatbelt on "Through that fence, we drive until we get somewhere safe and we dump the van and change clothes." Red replied. I started up the van and heard the tyres screech as I floored the gas and flew straight out of the fence onto the dusty road outside.

"Where do I go now?" I said as I continued driving "Follow this road until you get to the interstate then follow the signs to downtown." She replied. It was mainly silence the whole drive I think it was the shock that we actually broke free, "We should have gotten Nichols...." I sighed "What do you mean I'm right here!" She said and jumped out from the back seat causing me and Red to scream "Jesus Christ Nicky what are you doing!" Red hissed "I followed you guys to the van, didn't think you were gunna get rid of me that easily?" she laughed.

We dumped the van about 30 miles away from Litchfield and walked on foot for some of the way, we came across a pay phone and I grabbed some change I took out of the van and dialled Alex number "Hello...." She said not realising it was me "Where are you guys staying?" I asked "Faye is that you?" She responded "Yes no time to explain tell me where you are and I'll walk there." I replied, she gave me the hotel name which wasn't to far away and we walked the rest of the way where Alex would meet us outside. "Red.... Nicky?" Alex said in shock as we emerged into view "They wanted to come along for the ride too..." I laughed "If you have room that is?" Red asked "How did you get out?" Alex said still in shock "There's a riot at the prison, a guard dropped his keys so we stole the prison van." I replied "Your so god damn clever!" She said and hugged me.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now