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I woke up in my bunk, I grabbed my essentials from my cabinet and headed to the showers, as soon as I walked in people scoured "What's up with them?" I asked Nichols who was next to me "You've got quite a reputation round here. Word got around what you did and people respect you for what you done to protect Pipe's" she replied "I don't want reputation, I want to see my kid." I sighed before walking away.

"Wow shit move out the way!" Mendoza said to some people as I queued up at the cafeteria "Look I don't need special treatment" I whispered "Who said your getting special treatment, I wasn't talking to you now go. You have no food." She hissed at me "Why?" I asked "You killed Maritza's only love, you'll pay for that one day." She said and I walked away as Red and the others laughed at me.

I was out in the baking heat shovelling dirt in the garden and pulling out weeds. "I shouldn't be giving you this but let's just keep it as a 'I owe you'" a guard said as he came up to me and placed an envelope on my lap. I opened the envelope and it was a letter from Alex.
I'm sorry we left you to deal with this and I'm not even sure if you will get this letter. Kevin is fine and safe and we promise to not put him in danger, your always my partner and I will always think of you. I will find a way to get you out.

Alex x'

I started to tear up as I read the letter, me and her weren't exactly on good terms when we last saw each other. I packed up the letter and headed back to my bunk, there was a lockdown whilst I was walking back but nothing major and it was over within like a hour.

Dinner was average, the same old slop I was served more than 3 years ago when I was here. Near to everyone hates me but thankfully Red has accepted me into her group.

~Next day~
I woke up super early and headed out to work, I made a deal with one of the guards that if I start early and finish early I'll hook him up with this inmate he has a crush on. I lied I'm not really going to do it.

Alex PoV
"Alex where's my swimsuit" Piper exclaimed as we sat in our hotel room "We aren't here to holiday Piper, Faye is in prison and we have her child we need to get her out!" I exclaimed "How will we get her out without being put in jail ourselves?" She replied "I don't know but it's unfair if she's locked up and we aren't...." I exclaimed before walking out of the room.

We somehow made our way into France, I don't know how it just happened, when Faye got arrested I bought us tickets to Spain with a connecting flight to Paris, I've tired my best to contact Faye but I don't know if the messages have gotten to her or if they are tracking down my letters as we speak.

I don't know how to care for a 3 year old either, he knows his mum won't be coming back for a while and he hates me and Piper and I just don't think I can cope any longer let alone 24 years. We need to think of a way to get her out even if we have to break her out.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now