The final day

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~December 4th~
It's been just over a month since the twins were born. I wanted to stay just for a while but not for long to get too attached. I've persuaded Ben to take the kids and to go and we've organised a plan. We all sat at the table before there was a knock on the door. I went over and opened it and saw my sister standing there. "Thank you for coming!" I said and hugged her as she came in. "Here's my little man! God you've gotten so big!" She said as she hugged Kevin for the first time in 4 years. "And here's my new niece and nephew!" She exclaimed as she passed the twins in their cot.

"So talk me through the plan." Danielle said as she sat down. "Tomorrow is the day me and Alex are handing ourselves in. Tonight I need you and Ben to take the twins and Kevin and to leave. I've transferred all the money we have to a private bank account and it's more than enough to ensure you all will never have to work for the rest of your lives. Ben needs you Danielle to help him with the kids, and there isn't any guarantee I will see any of you again." I said devising my well thought plan. "I still can't believe you are just gunna give yourselves up." Ben sighed. "We have no choice." Alex piped up. "If we are lucky we could be out in a few decades." She added.

The day went really quick and it was soon 10:30pm. The allocated time that Danielle, Ben and the kids are leaving. I finished packing Kevin's toys and bought him out to the living room where we spent a few minutes together. "Kevin, mummy has to go away and I'll be away for a long time. But Ben and auntie Danielle are going to take you and your brother and sister and they are going to keep you safe." I said and started to tear up. "Why can't you come with us mummy?" He questioned. "Mummy has to go away for work but I promise I'll see you very soon." I lied. "Now be good for your aunt and Ben." I said and we hugged as tears streamed down my face as I took him out to where Danielle and Ben were. I picked up the twins and hugged them goodbye, only a month old and their mother is abandoning them but it's for the best.

I turned to Ben who was stood with tears filling his eyes and we leapt in for a hug. "I fucking love you!" He whispered to me as we both cried, "This is only temporary, we will see each other again I promise!" I said and pulled out of the hug. I grabbed the final bag and followed the others down to the car. I strapped Kevin into his seat and kissed the kids one final time and gave Ben a final hug as him and Danielle got into the car. "I love you all!" I said as Danielle started the car and slowly drove off into the distance, it killed me knowing this would be the last time I would see them. I broke down into tears in the car park as Alex came down and comforted me before taking me upstairs and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up the following day with a lump in my throat, my heart was pounding as I knew today is the day we organised to hand ourselves in. "3 years, 11 months and 22 days." Alex said to me. "What?" I replied "The time we've spent on the run." She said trying to make light of the situation as we finished packing, I loaded my bag with mostly photos of Ben and the kids taken just days ago. I tried packing slowly trying to embrace my last few moments of freedom.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the living room where Alex was waiting with her things, "Are you ready?" She asked "No but let's get this over and done with." I sighed. "They'll take pity on you. If you tell them you sacrificed your family to pay for your wrongdoings and to hand yourself in that will save you!" She said trying to give me advice. We took a slow walk to the local US embassy. "Hello ladies what can I do for you?" A cheerful man said to us as we walked in not realising who we are. "Umm... I'm Faye Marshall, and this is Alex Vause, we've come to hand ourselves in." I blurted before shutting my eyes, he slowly picked up his radio before saying. "Trish, you need to call the police, Faye Marshall and Alex Vause are here." He spoke down the radio. "Police are on the way." A voice said via the radio moments later. Me and Alex stood still not knowing what to do. This is the start of a very long few months.

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