I'm back

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I woke up yet again alone in my bed, I haven't spoken to Alex in a week because apparently business means more to her than her wife. I finally dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen, I switched on the coffee maker, whilst I was getting that ready the doorbell rang. I got excited because I presumed it was my new laptop I ordered the other day. I went and opened the door to see Alex stood in front of me with her long dark brown hair and Piper stood behind her "I'm back!" Alex exclaimed. I let out a squeal before jumping into her arms. "You didn't say you were coming back today!" I asked "I wanted it to be a surprise." She said as her and Piper walked inside "Wow the house looks so empty. You've done a good job at packing." Piper complimented "I've hired out a storage bin we can store all the furniture in considering we can't take it with us." I said "See your more organised than me and Piper combined." Alex said and kissed my forehead. "Alex!!" Kevin exclaimed as he ran out of his room and saw Alex "Come here you!" Alex said and picked him up and gave him a hug, I stood back and watched at how good Alex was with Kevin but I'm scared that's going to change.

"Babe I'm sorry to pressure you but there's these files that the boss has asked you to go through." Alex said as she dumped 3 massive folders onto the table "Does he even have a name?" I questioned "He only says his name when he trusts us, please just go through them and total up the money at the end of each file?" She said before heading to bed leaving me awake until 3 in the morning. After hours of sorting and totalling I finally managed to head upstairs. I walked into the bedroom to see Alex sprawled out all over the bed leaving no room for me. I grabbed a blanket and pillow and headed downstairs and slept on the sofa.

Hours later I was rudely awoken but Piper "Psst.. Psst..." She said and tapped me "What!" I snapped "I need you to run me to the store." She said and chucked the car keys on me "Are you serious? I was up until 3am sorting through those files and you expect me to be your personal taxi service? Fuck off Piper." I hissed before covering the blanket over my head trying to brush her off "Who the hell do you think you are?" She snapped and yanked the cover off me and striked me around the face with her hand, immediately my cheek started to sting "Faye I'm so sorry!" She blurted before covering her face with her hands, Alex sprinted down the stairs due to the commotion "What on earth happened?" Alex asked "Ask her!" I sneered before walking out into the garden.

"Faye I can't help but apologise for what I done." Piper said as she emerged into the garden, I didn't say anything, she was about to say something else when Alex came running into the garden "Guys we have to go now!" She ordered "What why?" Piper replied "Some of the guys got caught at the airport with the stash they are onto us and we need to go! Grab the stuff from the garage." She said to Piper "You mean to say you bought drugs into this house?" I questioned "They are hidden. Now you pack stuff for you and Kevin and drive to this address." Alex said and handed me some paper with a address on it. I was kinda scared but I done as I was told. I ran indoors and packed as much stuff as I could into bags and I piled them into the car.

I grabbed Kevin and strapped him into his car seat "I love you. I'll see you soon." I said to Alex and kissed her goodbye before getting into the car and driving away. I entered the address into the GPS and started to drive realising that the place is a hotel all the way down in New Jersey. It was about a 2 hour drive and all the way I was on the edge of my seat, every police officer I passed I was scared that they were going to pull me over even though I have nothing suspicious on me. I arrived at the hotel and it was packed full of people, I got out the car and picked up Kevin and headed inside to the check in desk. "Name" the receptionist asked, I remember Alex saying repeatedly that I have a fake identity of Melissa Sparks. "Umm I'm Melissa Sparks." I said hoping it would work "Oh yes you have the master suite. Here's your room key. Have a nice stay." She said and smiled before handing me a room key.

I took the lift up to the room and inserted the card into the door slot and the green light flashed, I opened the door and the room was spectacular, the bed was massive. The bathroom was the size of a living room. The balcony view was breathtaking. I settled Kevin to sleep before taking out my phone and calling Alex. "Hello..." She said "Where are you?" I asked "Me and Piper got held behind, we won't be with you until the morning, did you get there alright?" She asked in a concerned tone "Yeah I got here fine, what do I do in the mean time?" I asked "Stay in the room and do not answer the door." She said "Oh shit." She added "What?" I asked "It's the police, if we aren't there by 7am then take Kevin and go. I'll try and phone you back. Love you." She said and hung up. So is this what my life is going to consist of? Hiding every single day of my life?

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now