Welcome to Spain

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After what felt like days of sailing we finally got to Spain. We sailed into a local marina in the early hours so no one would really see us. "Quickly get off" Piper signalled to us all as we docked, "well what do we with the lifeboat? We can't leave it and for people to see it." Alex hissed. "I'll deal with it. Just get us somewhere to stay" Piper replied. "Oh like that's going to happen, it's 3am" Red butted in. "Shh you'll attract attention" I added as we all argued.

The sun started to rise and the scorching heat soon started to get to us. "Alex stop being so picky and just chose an apartment" Piper said as well all sat in the estate agents office as Alex conversed in conversation with the estate agent in Spanish. "Wait a minute I recognise you all...." a woman in the office said to us. "Your the convicts that escaped?" She said directly to me and Red. "Run" Alex abruptly said and snatched the car keys on the desk. We all ran outside and she unlocked the car that belonged to the estate agent. We all crammed in as swarms of people chased us including police who were alerted of our presence.

Alex floored the gas and we shot off and directly onto the highway, "well done now what are we going to fucking do?" Piper hissed. "Well what you don't realise is that whilst you guys were arguing with that woman in the office I also stole keys to this." She said and pulled out a leaflet from her pocket. I opened it up and on the cover was a grand mansion. 10 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms it had everything, "I don't want to burst your bubble but it won't take long for us to be found living there." I bluntly said "It's fine. I have everything sorted. We stay there a few days and then we are moving further south and then we are catching a plane to Italy" she said as if everything would be okay. I know it won't be.

After about 3 hours of driving we got to the mansion. It was huge, way bigger than our hold house. "You better sort us out with something before we get to Italy." Red signalled. "It's fine I've got it all under control. A friend is hooking us up with a place." Alex responded.

The evening soon progressed and Red started to look unwell. Maybe the heat is getting to her or the fact we haven't eaten in days and haven't slept much either. "I'm going to bed, I don't feel well." Red said before standing up slowly "goodnight" I said as she left. Something's not right, I can tell.

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