Left for dead

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"Fucking get up!" George hissed and came over to the bed and grabbed my hair and shoved me to the floor. I looked for anything I could use to defend myself, under the bed I saw my baseball bat I kept for safety. He pulled a knife out his pocket and clambered on top of me. "I'll make it quick!" He sniggered before raising the knife, with all my strength I rolled to my side and pushed George of me. I grabbed the bat and stood up. "Oh a dual? I like it!" He cheered and jabbed the knife at me slightly piercing my arm. "Come on bitch. Swing for me." He said trying to get me to fight back. I raised the bat and took a swing but he moved out the way and I missed. "Fuck this!" I exclaimed and threw the bat down. I charged straight at him and pushed him to the floor causing the knife to fly across the floor. We both looked at it before looking at each other and scrambling over for the knife. He yanked my hair back as he tried to grab the knife but I kicked him and wriggled free.

I crawled over to the knife but George grabbed my ankle. "Don't think so!" He hissed and sat on top of my and grabbed the knife. "It won't hurt" he sneered before raising the knife. I clenched my eyes shut before I felt a shooting pain go straight through me. I looked down to see the knife protruding out of my stomach before I fainted.

Alex POV
I heard all this commotion coming from Faye's house, I walked over to hers and saw the front door open. I walked upstairs and walked into the bedroom. "Shit!" I exclaimed as I saw Faye on the floor spewing out blood. "Faye wake up!" I pleaded but there was no response. I picked up her and took her downstairs and put her in my car before racing to the hospital. "I need help!" I shouted out as I pulled up outside the hospital, doctors swarmed around the car and within seconds took Faye inside.

I followed behind them but was stopped when they took her to theatre. I pulled out my phone and called Ben. "Hello?" He spoke down the phone. "Get to the hospital now, Faye's been stabbed." I said before hanging up. I sat in the waiting room and it felt like forever. A doctor came out just as Ben arrived. "She's in stable condition. We've removed the knife and she's responding well to treatment. Do you know who did this?" The doctor asked. "Yeah his na-" he started before I interrupted "No we don't know. Looks like a burglary." I lied. "You can see her soon." The doctor said before walking away. "What did you do that for?" George is still out there. "We give his name and he'll drag us all down. Me and you are finding him now before Faye wakes up." I ordered before grabbing Ben and dragging him outside to my car before we drove off to find George.

I had a much longer chapter drafted for this but a glitch occurred and it didn't save so I had to quickly draft something similar.

Orange Is The New Black- Our Life After Litchfield (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora