Where are we?

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Faye POV
We gathered the attention of the boat which soon came to our rescue and they took us onboard the boat. "My poor Nichols" Red spoke for the first time since we found Nichols dead. "I know" Alex said softly before we were shoved to the Captains room below the ship deck. All the guys on the boat didn't speak English so we were kinda scared of what would happen but to our relief the captain was English. "Good evening ladies, where are we off to?" He said kindly "Spain" Alex bluntly replied "We saw your flare, what happened?" He replied "The storm capsized our boat, we lost a friend out there." I spoke up. "Right well lucky for you we are going to Spain" the captain said and smiled and took us to our 'rooms'.

We went further into the gallows of the ship and realised this nice captain wasn't as nice as we thought "In you get" he sniggered and pointed to a small cage below the ship, we didn't know what to do as we looked around and saw guys pointing guns at us. "Oh how much in a reward will I get for you then?" He said and lifted my chin as I looked through the bars. "Keep the kid." He said to his shipmate who dragged Kevin off me but I fought back only to have a knife pressed against me "He'll be in safe hands." The captain said before taking him away as I screamed for him to come back to me.

Hours and days have passed and no one has been down here to see us. We've been living off dirty water and small snack bars the ship must be shipping clearly not to Spain. Everyone was dreary and weak, we were tired and cold. In the distance we could hear the captain on the phone, he said clearly "Well what do you mean you don't want them? They are wanted criminals you put out a $50,000 reward." He said before hanging up, his shipmate looked at him and we heard him say faintly "They aren't worth anything. You know what to do." And handed him a knife. We all let out a small gasp "What do we do?" Piper whispered. "We kill him before he kills us." Alex hissed and yanked a metal pipe that was loose of the wall. She hid it behind her back and the guy came to the cage and unlocked the door and closed it behind him. He looked at Red first before sharing softly "I'm sorry" and pulled out the knife, before he could do anything Alex snuck up behind him and struck him over the head.

We grabbed his keys and knife and slowly emerged out of the cage "Quickly" she said and we all ran to the exit "Where's Kevin?" I asked frantically "Where are they keeping him?" I added "I don't know but we will find him" Alex said in reassurance and smiled before we continued on our trek.

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