"How should I hang out with him?" Megan pulls her hair out of the bun.

"The way you've been doing for the past few days." I pull myself up on the counter by the sink. "Start hanging out with just him more."

Megan brushes her hair quickly. "You should do the same thing." I look at her confused. "You obviously like Liam. Sure, you and douchebag broke up. That doesn't stop you from going after Liam."

"I don't like Liam." I shake my head.

Megan raises an eyebrow at me. "Excuse my language, but you're full of shit."

My mouth drops open in shock. What? Megan never cusses. She's like me. I only cuss when I'm really mad or I hurt myself really bad.

"What? No, I'm not!"

"Tori, I've been your best friend since we were five. I can tell when you like a guy and when you don't. I can tell that you like Liam way more than you have ever liked Douchebag." Megan smirks.

"We should get ready to leave." I mumble leaving Megan in her room.

I don't know if I want to date another guy. I don't want to get hurt again. Taylor pretended to date me for a year and never had any true feelings for me. Sure, I didn't love him, but I liked him enough to date him. It hurts to be betrayed by someone you thought you could trust.

"Can we leave now?" Harry asks walking past the stairs as Megan and I reach the first floor.

"Sure. I can take three people in my car." I say walking in to the kitchen where the guys are.

"I call Harry and Zayn!" Megan calls dibs loudly.

I giggle quietly at her. "Subtle." I turn to look at Louis, Niall, and Liam. "Let's go boys." I grab my car keys and walk out the door.

Louis runs to the passenger's seat and climbs in before anyone else can. Guess he calls shotgun. "How long til we get there?"

I allow Niall and Liam to climb in the back before I get in. "To Disney or Starbucks?"

"Both. I'm hungry." Niall answers.

"You're always hungry, mate." Liam says.

I glance at the clock on the dashboard. It's seven in the morning. "We'll be to Starbucks in ten minutes. Disney is about two hours away." I look at Niall in the rearview mirror.

My phone starts ringing loudly and Louis snatches it before I can. "Hello?" He answers in a really girly voice. Does he really think I talk like that? "We're ten minutes away." He says in the girly voice.

"Give me the phone!" I take one hand off the wheel and try to grab the phone. I keep my eyes on the road while I smack Louis repeatedly.

"No! I'm Tori." Louis attempts to imitate me. "I'll put Louis on the phone. Did I ever tell you how handsome and hot I think he is?"

Liam grabs the phone from Louis's hand and puts it up to his ear. "Megan? Okay...Okay...I'll tell her...Do you want anything?....Hahaha!...I agree it was terrible...Alright...See you there." Liam hangs up and hands me my phone.

"Well?" I drop my phone in the middle console.

Liam slides forward to see me better. "Megan said she was going to go in Starbucks and get the tickets. So, we'll just go through the drive thru." Liam turns to look at Louis. "Oh, and Megan says you sound nothing like Tori."

Louis pouts and stares out the window. "Starbucks!" He shouts loudly.

I jump in my seat. "What is wrong with you?"

Niall bursts out laughing. He clutches his stomach and covers his mouth. I pull up in the drive thru line. There is four cars ahead of us.

"What do you guys want?" I stop my car and grab a notebook from the glove box. "Liam?"

"Get me a chocolate chip frappe and two pieces of banana bread." Liam says as I write it down.

"Niall?" I move forward when the cars move up.

"What are you getting?" Niall asks.

"Strawberries and cream frappe with six vanilla bean scones." I say writing my order down.

"Get me the same." Niall says after a few seconds.

"And Louis?" I grin at him.

He taps his chin thoughtfully. "I want a hot chocolate, two slices of lemon pound cake, and a black coffee."

I write everything down except the coffee. Louis is crazy enough. He does not need coffee. I rip out the piece of paper and pull up to the window.

"Hi. What can I get you?" A guy in his twenties slides the glass window.

"Here. It's faster to do it this way." I hand him the paper. He grabs the paper and begins typing the order in on a computer.

"That will be fifty seven twenty five." He says. I reach for my money, but Liam already handed him his credit card. "Your order will be a few minutes."

"What kind of CDs do you have?" Louis starts looking through my cd collection.

I grab our drinks from the worker and hand them to the correct person. Once we have everything, I pull out of Starbucks. Megan's car pulls out of the parking lot behind us.

Louis turns up the volume of the radio and One Direction music starts blaring. He found my mix cd of all of their songs.

"Didn't know you were such a big fan?" Louis smirks at me.

"I'm not a huge fan. I love your music and your accents." I blush before continuing. "But I'm not like some of those fans out there that want to marry you. I'm not out there saying I'm the next Mrs. Liam Payne. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just find that a little weird." I finish rambling.

I look at the three of them in the rearview mirror. Why are they staring at me like that? Louis and Niall have huge grins on their faces while Liam looks like a little kid in a candy store.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" I glance at each of them.

"Why did you say Mrs. Liam Payne?" Niall leans forward.

Oh geez. Did I really say that? "It was an example." I reply quickly. Louis smiles at Liam and then at me. Well, this is awkward. "Let's listen to music!" I turn the volume up even more.



Hey, everyone! I have been writing everyday and posting just about everyday. I can promise you I will be writing everyday, but I can't promise I'll upload everyday.

Anyways, I really hope you like my story. I haven't gotten that many comments. I'm not sure if people really like it or not. Hopefully, you like it! Because I love writing it.

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