Bitch Over Mate

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Mia didn't look very pleased when she saw the breakfast I'd made. Sure, scrambled eggs and toasts weren't anything special, but I was hungry, and that was the only menu I could think of right at the moment. Besides, Kyle told me that I only could eat right after I'd finished making their breakfast, and since scrambled eggs and toasts were easy to made...

"I'm tired of these shits..." I heard she whined after she gave a long stare at the plate placed on her lap. And, hah. I didn't even know that she was such a whiny, little slut until now. Yet, though she was complaining, I didn't care much. My empty stomach was definitely in a long desperation to be filled, and right now, the only thing I'd ever wanted to do was to rush into the kitchen, cook something, eat and rest. Perhaps, I'd also spend my time cleaning my new 'room' Kyle had so nicely gave me. "...can I have something else?". 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

"You're always invited to cook for yourself..." I replied with a sigh. From the corners of my eyes, I could see Kyle's burning glare. I knew he was silently trying to give me a warn--to just shut my mouth up--and go away. But no. Of course no. I'd spent my time preparing the foods for these two craps and this woman was complaining about the foods was exactly something I would never ignore...especially when I needed that food more than she was. 

Mia clicked her tongue. I knew she was trying to create a trouble. 

"Oh, yeah?". Then, with nonchalant expression, she threw the scrambled eggs into my face and sneered. "...there. Eat your shit". Yeah. She's crossing the line. 

Grabbing the porcelain cup from the bedside table, I angrily tried to smash it into her face. Kyle, being a protective little fuck he was, tried to cover Mia's face out of my reach. He shouted at me, telling me to stop, but there was a strong voice inside me that kept yelling at me to just burst this woman's face in half. 

"You're. Sick. Fuck..." I punctuated firmly. I saw little blood oozing out from the small crack of Mia's lips, and I felt even more energetic to just finish this slut off. I started to act even more aggressive, my hands flying in the air as I tried to reach her, until suddenly a rough punch was landing on my cheek. 

I held my cheek tightly and gritted my teeth. 

"Go back to your room..." Kyle demanded harshly. He looked at me, as he held Mia's trembling body in his arms. He ran a soothing hand across her back, and for a second, I felt a surge of jealousy filling my whole body. Sure, Kyle didn't treat me right, and I hated him for that. But I was his mate, and the person he should treat like that was me, and not Mia. He touched her as if she was some kind of diamond--fragile and gently--completely opposite to the way he was treating me. I watched with blurry the way he touched the way he kissed her softly and said to her that it's alright...

A lone tear escaped from my eyes. 

"I don't want to..." I said. Looking at their intimacy, I'm afraid of what they were going to do after I'm gone. I wanted that. I wanted to be in Mia's position right now. I needed someone to make me felt alright because...I felt really alone right now. I don't want to go back in that dark room--isolated--as I heard someone who had been chosen by fate for me fucking someone else in the other room. I didn't want that. 

"Oh, yeah?" Kyle replied. "...then what do you want me to do? Slap you? Kick you? Punch you away?" he listed on and on. 

Yet, despite the threat, I still stood frozen in my place. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to go because I don't want to feel alone. 

" better go away, Cole". 

"No..." I insisted. 

Kyle was sure looked pissed as hell. Getting off from the bed, he then slowly made his way towards me. 

"I think you've never learn your lesson, huh?" he said. I looked into his eyes, his hatred-filled eyes as he gazed down at me. There was no love at all inside those orbs...none for me...none even a bit. "...your head must be made from a stone, eh?" he then added. The way he talked to me...his deep voice was making me melt in that second. I seriously wanted him. I seriously wanted him to hold me. But no. Of course no. Nothing of that would ever happen. It would never happen. "...turn over..." he commanded. 

"W-why?" my voice was trembling. Then, I saw he picked up his belt on the floor. Slowly, I walked backwards, but his hand was quick to grab me by my forearm and he pushed me into one corner of the room. I whimpered in pain. 

"You ask for it".

"Kyle..." I then started to cry out. 

Kyle hit me with the belt as hard as he could that even his breath turned heavy. His face was red, and the way his veins popping out through his skin was making it obvious that I already had pushed his anger to its limit. I was wrong. I was wrong to beg his love and attention like this. I was wrong to make he wanted to notice me. I was wrong to even think that he wanted to touch me like the way he did with Mia. I was wrong all along...

Hell. I was even wrong to believe that fate was something so beautiful. 

I let him to taint my skin with the ugly marks. 

I let him to punch and kick me. 

I let him to scream at me telling me how worthless I am.

"This is what you want, right?" he kept saying as he hit me. His face scrunched up in pure ecstasy and every time I shouted at him, begging him to stop, he hit me even harder. My legs and hands were trembling in pain. My skin had lost its fairness--only to be replaced by countless amounts of bruises and cuts. Kyle, he didn't love me at all. He didn't even want to try to love me. He thought that I was disgusting. He thought that I was some kind of dirt. He thought that I didn't worth anything in this world...

And he kept saying those things into my face over and over again as he hit me. 

"I just want you to understand me..." I whispered once when he stopped and he grabbed me by my jaw. 

"Understand?" he sneered. "...I didn't even want to walk on the ground you'd stepped".

He continued to hit me again, again and again, and when he's finally done, I wobbled into my room--my whole body was now shaking painfully. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore, in the pit of darkness, as I rubbed my skin like a lost child--missing his family at home. 

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