Chapter 1

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Author's Note:
The first part of the story the chapters are quite lengthy.  I admit I struggled at first with the breakdown.  They get more manageable and more consistent as the story unfolds.
Thank you so much for starting to read!

I have since redone the first part of the story, breaking the chapters up especially in the beginning, which is why some have a much smaller amount of reads...thank you!

It's never a dull moment working at a busy Los Angeles ER/Urgent Care. Always someone coming in and out every day, all day and all night. It's a good thing the doors are actually revolving because they are constantly in motion. Sitting at the Admissions desk Julie was constantly amazed at how many people were seen and treated each day at this crazy place she called a day job. Even though she was trained for both being a nurse's assistant and working the admissions and billing, she found herself being scheduled in admissions most often. She loved her job and her coworkers, but she couldn't wait to finish school and be an actual RN working side by side with the doctors saving patient's lives and helping them in their time of need.

Julie grabbed the handful of clipboards with admissions papers attached to them so she could start the rounds going in and talking to the patients who were brought in either by ambulance or who were taken back to rooms immediately. Had to get the proper paperwork, insurance information and billing information quickly. As Julie rounded the corner to the first room she ran into her best friend and roommate Amanda who of course was the best RN the hospital could have. She is smart, sweet, beautiful and all around amazing inside and out and always puts a smile on everyone's face. She's also very hard to miss with her gorgeous purple hair. People always wondered how the two of them could be best friends as they seemed polar opposites on the outside, but on the inside they were more alike than anyone even imagined.

"Hey Panda," Julie said. Panda was Julie's nickname for her bestie. There weren't very many times she referred to her as Amanda anymore. "Ready for this crazy night? Been here 10 minutes and already running to 5 different rooms for admissions. Must be a full moon and you know what that means."

"Hey JJ," said Amanda. JJ was Amanda's nickname for Julie, her initials. It wasn't very hard to come up with. "Thrilled we may need to go out for drinks in the morning."

"Yeah, sure just what I wanna do at 7 am when our shifts over." Julie laughed. "I don't know why I just haven't become famous yet."

"Someday JJ, Someday." Amanda said as she walked the opposite direction to her first patient.

Julie went through the first four admissions and triage with ease; and when walking to the last one on this round, she kept getting a feeling she recognized the name on the paperwork. She slowly mulled it over when it hit her. She called to the nurse sitting at the nurse's station. "Hey Jane, could you make sure Amanda comes and helps me with the admissions and triage with this patient? Consider it a huge favor. I will owe you!"

Jane nodded. "Of course JJ, will do."

They didn't ask for favors much of each other, but when asked, most everyone tried to honor each as easily as possible.

Julie walked up and knocked gently on the door. "Excuse me, I apologize for bothering you, I'm Julie, from admissions. May I come in to get your paperwork started?"

A big gentleman stood up from a chair next to the bed of the patient. "Yes, of course, Niall, are you ok with that?"

Niall, Niall Horan, One/Fifth of the Mega successful boy band One Direction was lying in the hospital bed in front of her. Julie could hardly believe it. If Julie could hardly believe it, wait until Amanda saw what Julie was seeing. Wow! Julie shook her head and smiled slightly at herself, "get yourself together and be professional," she told herself.

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