I was getting better and that meant I was okay.

I had tossing up between three options: a yellow, pink and blue dress but none of them seemed quite right.

"Hey Abby" I turned and saw Evie standing by the door. "Evie" I walked up 'to her and hugged her. "I can't believe we've graduated" she squeals and I nod in return, it certainly felt different. "I'm excited for everything I said to her" and she grinned.

"Actually I need your help" I grabbed her hand and lead her over to my bed. "I don't know which one I should pick" and then Evie began to laugh. "I don't think I like any of them" then she smirked and then I realised she knew.

"Wait you know what's he doing don't you? EVE!" I gave her a playful push and she began to laugh "what? It's natural that he'd ask for my help and Jem plays his own part too" she winked then over walked over to my wardrobe and after a few seconds of deliberation she pulled out a dress.

"This one"it wasn't what I'd usually pick and the fact I had it must if meant someone else bought it for me. It was turquoise and was knee length with a panelled overlay. Evie winked and walked out of the room and I was left to get ready.

Putting on the dress I matched it by wearing nude heels and throwing my hair into a side braid. Since I wore classes I didn't bother with mascara but mostly just wore a light foundation.

There was a light knock on the door and without a second thought I blogged down the stairs and threw open the door and there stood Harry, dressed in dark jeans and a white button up. His arms filled with a bouquet of floss flowers - my favourite.

"You look beautiful Abby" and I blushed "you look very handsome too Harrison" and I kissed him on the cheek. "Ready?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we began to walk.

After awhile we walked into town and we stopped out the front of Lou's Cafe. "Okay, I need you to wear this" he held out a tie and without any objection he tied it around my eyes blocking my vision.

My werewolf senses kicked in heightening everything else. I felt Harry grab my hands and lead me inside. As quick as it was on me, the blindfold was ripped off and I gasped. Lou's Cafe looked so different, Harry had set up white candles everywhere (they were fake, powered by a switch) and in the centre was a small table covered by a white tablecloth and set for two.

"How did-?"
"Lou gave me a key and said it was a special occasion" I widened my eyes and my heart softened for Lou because really he was the first to introduce Harry and I technically.

"I am making you dinner" he walked behind up the back and after an hour he kept back, two plates in hand. "You seem to like cooking"

"No my dear I like cooking for you" he said and put the plates down and we began to eat, making conversation until we were finished.

Once we were done I piped up to speak again but Harry held up his hand to stop me. Cocking my head to the side in confusion Harry walked over to me and grabbed my hands. "Abby you remember when you told me all about mates and werewolves and what it all meant?" I nodded of course I did, it took me forever to convince him otherwise.

"Well I know we've only been for about eight months but I know that your going to be apart of my life forever and well just..." he fiddled around in his back pocket and produced the last thing I was expecting a ring.

"Look you told werewolves get married young and so much is expected of you-"
"And we can wait as long as you want, I'd wait a hundred years if you asked-"
"HARRISON!" And he finally stopped speaking , he looked up at me and I shook my head in laughter.

"Yes I say yes" I swear in that moment I had never seen his eyes light up more than at that moment

"Really, really" he grabbed me by the waist and hugged me tight "don't you think I should wear the ring?" I asked him playfully and he blushed as he put the ring on my finger.

"I love you Harrison" I said giving his a kiss which seemed to get deeper by the minute

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"I love you Harrison" I said giving his a kiss which seemed to get deeper by the minute.

"I love you too fiancée"

You know I like the sound of that.


But wait it's not over yet ;) I will give you guys some more epilogues 

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