Can it be?

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I wake up, and right away my cheek is stinging. I open my eyes and see my stepdad standing there when he finally goes, "Well look who decided to finally wake up! Haily the lazy, selfish, piece of shit."

My dad died a couple of years ago, so my mom remarried. What my mom doesn't know, is how abusive he is. Of course i don't tell my mom, because my stepdad would kill me.

My stepdad leaves my room and i get up to start getting ready.

My stepdad made me get a job, but it was only so he could have more money. My job was to be a waitress at our local diner.

I took a really quick shower because my stepdad hated it when I took too long and wasted money like that. I quickly changed into my waitress outfit which is black dress pants and a white collared shirt.

I finally get out of the bathroom in 10 minutes, including my shower, when my stepdad comes out and yells, "How long does it take to take a stupid shower!?!"

I slowly whisper in fear, " I'm sorry! i didn't mean to take that long, i swear!!"

He quickly walks over to me and punches my arm, I could already feel the bruise forming. i try holding back tears because i know he would just hurt me again.

"Get out of my house you lazy waste of space." my stepdad growled.

I quickly run out of the house and into my car so i could get to work. I know I need to check how big my bruise is, but first i need to get out of the driveway before my stepdad comes out and tries hurting me again. i pull out of the driveway and drive to the diner which is 20 minutes away before i get out of the car I look down at my arm and gasp. this is the biggest bruise yet.

i get out of my car and enter the diner. Right when i walk in i accindently bump into someone hurting my arm even more. I cry out in pain.

"Are you ok?!?" i hear someone say.

I look up to reply, when I see a guy with the most beautiful brown eyes ever. "i'm.. i'm... i'm ok.." I quietly stutter.

"Hey, your not ok, your crying! You really must be hurt!" He says with concern.

"It's really ok..." i sniffle. "i'm use to pain." I mumble.

"Here, follow me. let me help you!"

He leads me to a table and sits down across from me thats when I finally get a good look at him. he has brown hair that reaches down a little more than halfway through his forehead, sparkling brown eyes, with a deep tan.

Finally, he says, "hey, im taylor, taylor caniff!"

"Im Haily..."



Can it be?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt