Always Remember...25

Start from the beginning

By the time I looked out the window of the limo everyone was gone and right next to our limo and another one but I had a feeling that it was already empty. " The guys are here and it's five minutes to two, are we ready?" Autumn asked looking over at me with a huge smile. 

" We're ready!" Both Devon and Robin shouted jumping up and down with excitement. They looked so cute in their white and maroon dresses. " Let's go, I got a mate wait for me in there and I'm sure as he'll aint going to make him wait any longer," I said and everyone cheer and started filing out of the car. 

I'm so ready to to walk down that aisle, kiss my prince charming and say 'I do' and mean it for the rest of my life. 

Seth's P.O.V.

This limo was big enough for everyone to fit but in a way I felt extremely closterfobic. Ten guys all in one car and one of them aren't in the mood. I haven't seen her for a whole week and it's killing me. All I want to do is say I do and start my life with her as an offical married couple with a baby coming soon. 

It's hard to stay mad, especailly on my wedding day. I've found myself laughing everytime one of the guys said something stupid. By the guys I meant me, my best man Markus, the ring bearer Jace, and my groomsmen Nathan, Michael, Jackie, my friends Yosef and Derwin, my cousin Taylor and I can't forget Cole. 

Yup Cole came here all because of my wedding. Boy, do I feel specail! I like Cole he's a good friend even though I don't see him often, but ever since that summer five years ago when we meet I've always knew I could rely on him and I still can today. But also I've been hopping he'll meet someone here also but so far it's haven't been going so well.

"Here we are, the place I only go to on Easter and sometimes funeral's," Derwin joked as we got out the limo. The guys laughed at his joke but I was to distracted by the sweetie and calming scent in the air, Marissa my mate, she was here just inside the black limo beside ours. Her and my son were in that limo and once we say I do we're out of here....well once the reception is over than I'm taking her for myself. 

I smiled as I looked at the car one more time. I'm already chanting 'I do's' in my mine.

Kassie's P.O.V.

Brielle and Jayleen, Marissa's sister and cousin were making sure everything was ready. The first couple out were going to be Autumn and Nathan. After them was Hailey and Taylor, then Jayleen and Derwin, Margo and Jackie, me and some guy named Cole, India and Michael, Brielle and Yosef. After all of they walked in were the two flower girls with the ring bearer in the middle, the two sets of parents and then the bride to be.

I love wedding, they were so happy and the prefect time to cry over happiness. I sighed as I watch the flower girl and the ring bearer running around in the back room. " Everyone get into place," Marissa said with her smile lighting up the whole room. 

All the guys were now entering the room, well all the guy espect for Markus and Seth. After so long of hearing about this amazing guy named Cole I'm finally going to meet him. I looked over at were the guys started entering the room, all of their faces were fimilliar espect for one....the very last guy that walked into the room. He was...... well one thing for sure, he had me speehless. 

" Cole, this is Kassie. Kassie this is Cole, not get into your places please." Marissa said when she dragged Cole over to me. He had really dark brown hair and gray eyes the had a hint of blue in them. He smiled down at me with his pearl whites showing, " you look beautiful," he breathed. Even his voice made me want to jump him. Before I could thank him he extended his arm out for me to grab on to, " Shall we?" he asked and with out hesitation, I grabbed onto his arms feeling a tingling sensation throughout my body. 

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