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I was able to slip away from Ben since he was distracted by a blonde woman who was clearly trying to hook up, despite Ben's non stop "I have a girlfriend". I walked up the stairs with my heart hammering in my chest, both from the amount I had to climb up & the reality of being face to face with Grayson. When I finally made it up the stairs there was no one around, not a single sign that Grayson was up here. There was hardly any light up here, which made it hard to figure out where I was walking. I started to convince myself that I just imagined it, that there was no way he would want to talk to me. Just as I was about to head back down the stairs, a large hand wrapped itself around mine & I realized I had been dragged into a bathroom with very poor lighting. I was way too nervous & shook up to speak, the only thing to be heard were my ragged breaths.

"Why are you here?" I nearly flinched at the coldness in his voice, but I responded nonetheless. "Because I needed to talk to you." A stillness followed shortly after, and since I couldn't see him I never realized how close he really was to me until I could feel his breath lingering on my top lip.

"What part of leave me alone, do you not understand?"

"I just wanted to have some closure."

"Closure? That's really what you came to Paris for? Some fucking closure?"


He scoffed. "Bull shit Linoy," I wasn't used to Grayson when he was so, so hostile. His words were so cold and harsh I wondered if I was really talking to him or someone else. "What are you really here for?"


"You're out of your fucking mind if you think you deserve answers from me."

"And why is that? Because you're so high & mighty that I don't even deserve to speak to someone like you?" His silence only confirmed my belief. He thought he was better then me, but I will admit that financially, he is, but he is no better than me in any other way.

"Why did you send my letters back to me?"

"What letters?" My stomach dropped slightly. There is no way- no, he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't be lying to me right now.

"My letters, from when I was in the hospital."

"I never sent you any letters." I would've been convinced he was joking if it wasn't for his chilling tone. He was being serious.

"You-you never sent any letters to me? Any at all?"

"You said you wanted nothing to do with me, well I respected that." He couldn't possibly be serious, he's lying I know he is.

"Bull shit. You're lying to me."

"Why would I try talking to someone who wanted nothing to do with me?"

"Than who-" that was when realization hit me. If Elle was able to manipulate Ben's relationship with Grayson, than why wouldn't she do the same to me? She sent those letters. Grayson didn't love me, it was all fake. Did that mean he really wanted nothing to do with me? My frantic thoughts came to a halt  when I caught that glint in his eyes. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it gave me the opportunity to see right through him. His vulnerability gave me the opportunity to see right through his lies & his bored expression that he had on his face.

"You're lying." His eyes became stone cold as they bore into mine.

"You really did send me those letters, I know you did." He stepped away from me & began pacing back and forth with his hands running furiously through his hair.

"Why the hell would you lie to me? Why did you send me those letters-" I was cut off when his head whipped back towards me with only one emotion, anger:

"Because I've moved on Linoy!"
"I had to move on, you wanted nothing to do with me & I needed to grow up. How long did you really think this was going to last? This little childish phone relationship? Well I've moved on. This is my life now, there isn't any room for you." Angry tears began to form around my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

"Really? Does that mean there's no room for Ben either because you've seem to shut that down really quick." His silence was beginning to infuriate me. All I wanted was to go home, but not without the closure I believe I deserved.

"Then at least give me some closure."

"That wasn't enough closure for you Linoy?" His tall figure disappeared out the bathroom & I was faced with the most suffocating silence I've ever experienced.

Dear Grayson | g.dWhere stories live. Discover now