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New message to Riley 🌹

I hate her Ri


Who else
It's like she takes no consideration in the fact that Grayson has a life too 

I sense some jealousy
Don't worry you're not the only one
Ben was telling me how needy she was
She even tried coming onto him once!
Dare that bitch to try that shit when I'm around

I'd love to see that
I hate everything about this
Me & Grayson don't even talk as much

Well he is turning 18 in a few months isn't he?
His dad's probably putting a lot more pressure on him ever since he found out about the picture you posted

I hate this so much Ri
I miss him

I know you do Lin
But this was going to happen some day
He is going to take over his dad's company & you're gonna be the Chicago girl
Your guys' own little world wasn't going to stay perfect forever
Reality was going to come busting in eventually
And I guess reality is in the form of Elle Calloway
And Sean Dolan

And Andrew
It's as if nothing in my life goes right
Its like the second I find someone that understands me there always manages to be something that comes between us
He gets me Ri
He gets me like no one I've ever met before
He knows when I'm upset
And he knows when I'm happy
He makes me happy Ri
And I can't have him
I never will

Sometimes that's just the way life works Lin
The world is really screwed up and sometimes it's just out of our hands

Can I come over? I'm tired of being in this empty apartment all day

Do you even have to ask?
Get your ass over here Lin
Delivered 7:57 p.m

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