I raised an eyebrow and took a step forward, as Ravinoff took a step backwards. "Sir, I-I mean Jackie-Jackson," he sighed and fixed the thin circular frame of glasses on his face as he tried to collect his shaky form. "I was just talking to Mr. Johnson here about Ebonys condition-"

"And you just told me that she was okay. Isn't she?" I found myself getting slightly pissed off with the looming unknown question that he struggled to give me the answer to.

"Y-yes, well besides her throwing up from the panic attack she had, not entir-"

"Ebonys as fine as she'll ever be now that she is in our care Jackson. Don't worry about other things when what you should be worried about is how to stop the man who put her in this predicament from taking her away." His words made sense, but I still wanted to know why Ravinoff was so nervous, and what he was trying to tell me.

The guy was literally sweating bullets.

I clenched my jaw and walked to the bar as Jerry knew to follow. Doc took that as a sign to leave us alone as I walked behind the counter and leaned across it, watching as Ravinoff then opened the door to the room and began to walk in.

I furrowed my eyebrows, about to stop him from going in there with Ebony still asleep and out of it, but Jerry stopped me. "She's in good care. He just has to check on her." I tried my hardest to take his word, but all I could feel in my chest was hesitance.

As I looked back at Jerry, deep into his eyes I asked him one question. "Is Ebony truly okay." I didn't ask like I had most recently planned, but instead demanded the answer as Jerry let out a sigh.

"It's not my place to tell you of her conditions-"

"Stop the bullshit Jerry. You know that Ebony probably doesn't know about how fucking sick she could be, so if it is something serious, then it is your place to tell me." I eyed him again, and just as he was about to speak, the door opened and the doc and Ebony walked out.

"She's awake." He gave me a shaky smile as I looked from him to Ebony and saw that she was nervous.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She made her way to the bar as she took a seat beside Jerry, hesitantly eyeing him as she seemed to remember him, and then she looked up to me before answering with a cough. "I'm, um fine." I knew she was lying by the way her hands shook, and I saw Jerry looking at her hands also, and then down to her feet.

"You hungry?" He asked, as she began to shake her head no, but I was already putting fruit on a plate for her, knowing her ways.

"My pleasure." He took the plate from me and set it down in front of her as she gulped and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you." Her eyes went from his to my own again, and just as quick as she looked at me, they had a certain change to them before she looked away and looked down at her plate as she slowly ate.

Jerry then began to get up to leave, but I stopped him as I grabbed his arm. "We are not done." I whispered to him, as he only pulled away from me with a nod and made his way to the meeting room.

I noticed also that Ravinoff had disappeared, and now it was just Ebony and I.

"What did the doc do?" I briefly looked up to her as she gulped down a banana piece and then shrugged. "He asked me to stretch and stuff." She bit her cheek and blinked several times before going back to eating.

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