35 - Exploration (1)

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I grabbed my gas mask and rucksack and so did Mark. I got out my camera to make sure I had a clear view of the building. I was filming a video for my YouTube channel where I explored random places around the world. This one was by far the scariest.

"Hey guys I'm with my boyfriend Mark also known as Markiplier" Mark came into the camera frame and hugged me tight and gave me a small peck on the cheek.

"And we will be exploring an abandoned insane asylum which is thought to be haunted. It was built in 1895 and was closed down and abandoned in 1936 due to a virus spreading through the hospital. The patients were left their to die but we won't be finding any dead bodies they will all be decayed by now. All the equipment was left there. That includes old documents, money, clothes, desks, beds, medicine everything." I switched off my camera and me and Mark put on our gas masks.

Before going into the building I pulled out my camera again,

"Guys we are just outside the entrance and I just want to let you know that you shouldn't try this it's extremely dangerous and it can be illegal without permission. Mark and I got permission to do this don't worry. Let's go inside." I said. We both headed inside and were shocked to what we saw. Papers were everywhere, vandalism was all over the room, and just like I said, everything was left there.

"Wow." Mark said.

"Yeah." I pulled out my camera and switched it on again.

"Just like I said guys everything has been left here." I suddenly felt a rush of cold air go past me which scared me.

"Woah... What the hell?" I said.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked me.

"I just felt some cold air go past me."

"It might just be nerves." I knew it wasn't because I wasn't nervous - I had done this type of thing hundreds of times - and it went past me not through me.

"No it went past me not through me. That was really weird." I said. I walked further into the room and so did Mark. After we were about 5 feet away from the door it slammed shut. I screamed very loudly. Mark started dying with laughter.

"Mark!" I turned the camera to me.

"Did you hear that?"

"What your scream or the door?" Mark said laughing and walking into the camera frame.

"Whatever let's just go into another room." I said, switching off my camera. Mark was still laughing very hard.

"It's not that funny you douche!" I yelled.

"Oh trust me it was." I sighed in annoyance.

"Awh I'm sorry baby." He said hugging me. I felt a rush of air again and this time Mark did too.

"What was that?" He asked.

"It's the same thing I felt before. Now you defiantly know it's not nerves." I said.

"Let's just go into another room. This one is creeping me out." I nodded and we went to another room.

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