15 - Accident

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"Miss! Miss are you alright?!" You heard from the other side of the broken window.

"Y-yeah what's happening?" You asked.

"You were in a car accident. Are you hurt?" The man said.

"Yes I think my arm might be broken." You replied looking at your arm. You tried to open the door.

"No! Don't do that the car will collapse." He stopped you.

"O-oh... I need to find my phone my boyfriend and I were going on a date!" You said panicking.

"It's okay when we get you out we will find your phone."

"Thank you it's just he was making dinner special... And it's ruined because I decided to go get in a car accident." You said with tears streaming down your face. The paramedics were there soon.

"Miss cover your face!" They said. You nodded and covered your face. They broke the door down and helped you out. The nurse was checking you.

"Please can you get my phone my boyfriend would have called me many times by now."

"Okay what's his name?" The man from earlier said.

"Mark but his contact name is Markimoo." You said.

"Alright." He left to go find your phone.

"Markimoo, that's cute." The nurse said.

"Yeah... He was cooking dinner special and now I've ruined it." You said crying.

"Hey I found your phone!"

"Oh thank you so much!" Just as you expected, endless calls and texts from Mark. Your phone started ringing and you answered it.

"It's okay Mark nothing's wrong I'm fine."

"I was so scared where are you?!" He said.

"I'm off to the hospital I was in a car accident but I will be okay. Just meet us there." You said.

"Okay... I love you."

"I love you too." You said and hung up the phone. Once you arrived Mark was their before you surprisingly. When he saw you he shot up out of his seat and was by your side.

"Oh my gosh y/n..." He tensed up at the sight of you in pain.

"It's ok Mark I'm fine."

"He can come with us to your room Miss y/l/n." The nurse said.

"Yes please that would be lovely thank you." Mark walked with you to your room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mark asked for the 5th time.

"Yes Mark I'm fine!" You replied with a smile. You had to stay at the hospital for the night and Mark decided to stay for you.

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