117 - Receiving Hate

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You were very known in Marks community as well as being lucky enough to be accepted. Every time you tweeted you got nothing but lovely comments. But some people didn't love you. Some people absolutely despised every part of you that they could easily watch you burn and feel nothing. That's very intense yes? They would. You didn't particularly care about those people as all they were was intense septiplier shippers or diehard fan girls of Mark. One post caught you eye though. You were scrolling through replies to something you just tweeted and you found many lovely comments saying you were 'goals' or 'perfect in every way' then you found hate. You were just going to ignore it but this time they added in something to try and ruin yours and Marks relationship. They had tweeted 'I can tell you, Y/N is cheating on Mark. Here's proof!'. They had added in a photo of you and a -male- friend hugging. He was an old friend you hadn't seen in years so you were seeing him again. Not to mention he was gay and was in a 3 year relationship with another man. You replied back saying it was an old friend who was also gay. You received apologies but the person who tweeted it began to harass you. They sent you DMs all the time, spreading as much hate as possible to ruin you and Mark. It eventually began to get to you. Then you had enough. They sent you a DM again and you threw your phone in an unknown direction and cried.
Mark came from the kitchen panicked.

"Y/N are you alright?!" He saw you were crying and help you close.

"Baby what's wrong?" You sighed,

"I haven't told you but someone is DMing me and it's starting to get to me now and I don't feel like I'm str-" Mark cut you off by hugging you again.

"Don't listen to them. They're just stupid and jealous. I'll tweet something to stop them." Mark said. After that the hate stopped. You received an apology and never heard from the person again. Maybe it was because Mark. Mark was your life. Before you had met him you had nothing to live for but now Mark has made you so happy and you couldn't be more grateful. Mark kept you happy. The moral of the story is that you may not be happy now, but you will find something or someone to make you happy. You just have to wait.

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