89 - Planes

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"Y/N there is no need to be nervous. I go on planes all the time!" Mark said. We were flying out to Paris for our honeymoon and I was terrified of planes. The thought of getting in something that took me above ground and could result in your death just scared me. Or surviving and being stuck on your own on an abandoned island. Especially on the way to our honeymoon.

"But IT could still happen Mark. I'm just really really scared." Whenever Mark talks about flying somewhere, I fear for my own life.

"It won't happen. Plane travel is even safer than going somewhere by car. You'll be okay I promise." He placed a kiss on my forehead and I took a deep breath in.

"C'mon we've got a while till we need to board so how about we do a little bit of shopping. Yeah?" I nodded and we went shopping to get our minds off of everything.

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