Always Remember...24

Start from the beginning

" You ok cupcake?" he asked. For a guy that's about to witness someone death he sure was calm and happy. " I don't think I could do this. Maybe we should just leave it," I suggested. His warm smile turned into a cold glare, " No," he said to me. " But Nath---," " No, Autumn, if he finds out that your still alive he will come back and try to kill you again. If you like it or not I'm killing him like I should've done the night he tried rapping." 

I didn't say anything as he starred down at me. His eyes weren't they're usual hazel color instead they were black meaning that now his wolf was in charge. I looked away from his gaze as he just starred down at me. He closed his eyes trying to control his emtions and eventually once he opened his eyes again they were some what back to normal. 

"I understand that you don't want to see him die but I'm doing it anyways. So would you like to go in the church and wait until Cole come gets you, or do you want to go back to the hotel and wait until I get there?" he asked, his voice was somewhat gentle as he held me in his arms. I shock my head. " I want to be with you until we get back home," I tolf him truthfully. 

He caused me to much pain within the very short time that I known him. He tried forcing me into marriage, he tried rapping me and he tried killing me. I want to be one of the last people to see him alive so that I could see the fear in his eyes. The same fear that he caused me and I also want to see the shock of him finding out that I'm still alive and now fully mated to someone I actually love. 

Nathan gave me a small encouraging smiled before pulling me into the crowd of people. No one seemed to notice us as we made our way to the back of the church and into the woods. Now that I was fully mated I could hear better meaning that I could hear people talking from a distance away. As we got closer Nathan grip on my hand got tighter as if he was scared to lose me. I squeezed his hand, he wasn't going to lose me. Not anytime soon. 

Nathan stopped me in my tracks and held my face in his hands. " I want you to promise to stay as far away from him as possible. Either stay behind me or Cole alright?" he asked and I nodded. He just starred at me for a while before nodding and pulling me deeper into the woods. " I'm sure you'll be fine," I heard Coles voice say.

They're conversation stopped once Nathan and I were in sight. However, Cole couldn't see us due to the fact that he had his back towards us but then again Cole was a guy full of suprises. " You guys finally made it," he said with out even turning around.

Kendal was glarring at us and his glare deepened when his eyes hand on our hands. " I see Nathan finally put a move on you," Kendal said before smirking. Even though I hate the guy I couldn't lie and say that he wasn't sexy. He had bright green eyes and a head full of straight blonde hair. He could definately make any girl drool. " Hey Autumn," he said. 

Nathan instantly growled at him, pushing me slightly behind him. " Long time no see?" his words brought back deja -vu. He never took his eyes off of me. " Cole, this is the girl that I was talking about. The girl that stupidly rejected my hand in marriage and that's the mutt that took her away from me," he said with vemon drenched words. 

" I know and if you ask me it think that was probably the best choose she ever made," Cole said turning around to face us with a small smile on his face. " What do you mean?" Kendal said snapping his head to face Cole with sharp eyes, " you need to get out of that little fantasy of yours Cole. It's getting to your head, you'll never find a girl that not after the title of Princess or Queen when she's with you. So get that through your fucking head shrimp," he said before aproching us. 

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