2p England x Reader: Why don't you smile a bit poppet?

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  (Y/n)'s P.O.V

     'Ugh I hate dentist appointments', especially if the reason you're visiting the dentist is for a root canal. Yeah I'm not going to even bother telling you why I need a root canal other than I need one. "(Y/n) (L/n) please come with me?" A female dentist said coming into the room. "Yeah okay." I said, following after the woman.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm not going to go into the joys of a root canal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    I sat down on my couch with a sigh, a book in hand. I have just gotten back from the dentist appointment and I literally can't feel half my face. And worst of all it's not the best idea for me to drink anything cold and I can't eat for at least two hours. I let out a sigh and opened my book, Dark eyes (real book), up to page 46. I just got it a few days ago at a store called the Book Warehouse (a real store) and haven't been able to really sit down and read it, whenever I tried I always was interrupted by something. (okay so this next part is literally from the book so I'm putting it in "quotes" and obviously the credit for the book goes to William Richter.) "Wally moved along with the local women as they strolled through an open-air"- I jumped when I heard the doorbell ring. I dogeared my page and closed the book, getting up from my spot on my couch. 'Who could possibly dare disturb me as I'm trying to read. I didn't even get to read one sentence!' I thought making my way to the door way.

     I opened the door to see Oliver with a container in his hand. "Hello poppet! I thought I might drop by, and I brought you some cupcakes!" Oliver chirped from his place on my porch. I had to look up  to see his face due to him being 5'9 and me only being 5'2. "Hello Oliver." I said, the words not feeling right due to not being able to feel my lips either. "Oh poppet how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Ollie?" Oliver asked. "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me poppet to just call me (Y/n)?" I asked. "Mmm touche." Oliver said. "I'm assuming you'd like to come in and talk? And possibly use my kitchen to bake something or other." I asked stepping aside so he could come in. "Oh you know me to well poppet." Oliver said, making his way to my kitchen.

     "Hey why don't you smile a bit poppet?" Oliver asked, while stirring a bowl of cupcake batter. "I would Ollie, but I can't feel half my face." I said from my spot on the counter. "Hmm why's that?" Oliver asked, pouring some batter into each cupcake mold in the cupcake pan. "Well I had to get a root canal today and they gave me a bunch of novocaine." I said, it still feeling weird to speak. "Oh dear I'm sorry poppet, but will you try and smile for me?" Oliver asked. "No way, even if you make me a bunch of yummy cupcakes I'm not trying it." I said. "Ahh come on poppet please?" Oliver asked, grabbing a pair of ovenmits. "No means no." I said watching as Oliver carefully put the cupcakes into the oven. "Ah well I  guess there's no convincing you is there? Oh well, would you like to help me make the frosting for the cupcakes?" Oliver asked with a smile. "Sure."  I said, sliding from my place on the counter.


    Another one done! I'm just on a roll tonight! Good day/evening/night my lovelies! -Rosa  (Amestris)

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