"I promise." I said, just as I began to rock in and out of her slowly, taking my time as she kissed me then, and told me how much she loved me and her little girl so many times.

And with one final kiss, as we both reached our peaks, I pulled away only to see that the love of my life was lifeless.

The memory was petrifying. Every night that I slept in that bed after that day, was another night I dreamed of her lying next to me.

Her chocolatey skin tone always was something I had to compliment her on every morning, as she was always insecure and hesitant when letting me show her how much I loved her.

And so after she passed, I couldn't sleep in that bed alone. I always had it filled with another body, another woman.

And now that I watch this spit out image of my dear angel sleep so peacefully in front of me, I couldn't help but feel anger course through me.

I was angry because she got to live, and not my wife. She got the immunity that my wife didn't.

If it wasn't my choice, she'd be gone already. Out of my sight for all I cared.

Just then, she began to stir in her sleep and I set my hand on her bruised arm. The nurses were probably asking questions now, and searching for more things to bring to the police.

But they had no evidence it was me. For all they knew it could be the boy who was patiently waiting outside of this room right now. But as I sat in this chair, awaiting this mutts awakening, I'd make sure she wouldn't tell a soul what I had done to her.

"I see your awaking." I said, as I squeezed and unsqueezed Ebonys wrist, and noticed that her breathing  began to pick up slightly.

She must think she's having a bad dream. How cute.

"You saw me at that place with my friend. I wonder if you were scared because you saw me, or the woman I was with?" I remembered the woman then, and how similar she looked to my Eden.

One depressed night, and a few too many drinks, and any black girl with thick curls and a nice ass could've pulled off for my wife.

But this girl I didn't find one drunken night. She somehow came to me. It was crazy because she looked so much like my Eden I swear I would've thought she was if I hadn't seen her up close.

"Stop it. Stop it." I heard Ebony mumble in her sleep, as I lowly chuckled and shook my head. "Stop what Ebony? Making you realize that you ruined my life by making my Eden go away?" I squeezed harder, knowing how bony her wrist was and how easily I could just snap the bone in two.

The doctors wouldn't find out about it until I was already on my way out the country. But I knew Ebony was leverage, and she was the entire part to my money making.

"Listen Ebony, this is what I need for you to do for me. I'll make a deal with you." I stopped squeezing her wrist as her eyes finally loosened up and she let out a long sigh. "If you don't tell anyone what I've done to you, I'll let you leave right after I give you some money back at home."

"No, no." She began to mumble again, and I knew I needed something to reel her in with.

Just then the perfect thought came into mind. "Do you remember that MP3 player your mother gave you?" She stopped shaking then, and she was immediately still. "Wouldn't want that to end up broken now would you?" She shook her head with a shaky breath as I nodded and got up now, as I was close to her face.

Innocent TortureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz