Yugi x Male! Brother! Reader - Unanswered Questions

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Six year old Yugi Muto was curled up in the corner of his room, tears trickling from his large purple eyes. Bruises blotched his skin and his clothes were torn.

"Yugi?" M/N walked into the boy's room. M/N was fifteen, and was in a different school to Yugi, "Yugi, are you alright? Grandpa said you'd come home cry-Oh, Yugi!"

M/N dropped his bag and ran up to his younger brother. He lifted Yugi up and hugged him.

"Yugi, what on Earth happened?!"

"S-Some boys at school beat me up and took my cards!" Yugi wailed. His new cards were very important to him. They had been a gift from M/N.

M/N shushed him and wiped away his tears. He placed him on the bed, and sat beside him.

"Yugi, you shouldn't care about those boys."

"B-But they-"

"I know what they did was very bad, Yugi. I promise, I'll get your cards back for you." M/N smiled down at his little brother.

"R-Really?" Yugi's amethyst eyes widened in hope.

"Of course! I'm your big brother, aren't I?"

Yugi smiled fondly at the memories. He was fifteen himself now, and he had his friend, and the Millennium Puzzle that hung around his neck.

But all he wanted was M/N back.

He lay the small bouquet of white lilies in front of the grave. He stared at the name engraved into the surface, and more tears welled up in his eyes.

"I...I just came to say hi, M/N..." Yugi sniffed, and he could almost feel M/N's hand on his shoulder, smiling at him, "A-And...I'm really sorry...I was always coming to you for help, that I...I didn't realise that you had your own problems...Is that why you chose to die, M/N? Did you hate me? Did you hate all of us? Did we push you too far?"

Yugi released a heart-wrenching sob. He rested his hands on the slab of marble as tears started running down his cheeks.

"Did we make it seem like we didn't love you? Because, M/N, if we did...Then I am so, so sorry. I loved you so much...You were my big brother, but I guess I relied on you that bit too much. Is that why you killed yourself, M/N? Were you scared? Did it feel like we were pressuring you? We never meant to make you feel like that..."

Yugi gulped, and sighed. He'd bottled these words up for years. He had to get them out.

"I guess I just came to say...That I still love you very much, M/N. You're still my big brother. You're still the hero that would get back my cards from bullies and hug me when I was crying and frighten away the monsters under my bed. You're still the best person I've ever known, and you always will be. I love you, big brother."

Yugi turned and walked away from the grave, completely unaware of a ghostly figure leaning against it, smiling softly at his retreating figure.

"I love you too, Yugi."

Yu-Gi-Oh x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now