They also looked to be having an intense conversation.

"Sit." Paris said, smiling as I followed her and took a seat right in front of the stage. She sighed and glanced up at the microphone and then looked back at me.

"So, where do you go to school?" The question was like any other question, but I found myself finally finding out where I knew her from.

"Lake view-"

"I knew it!" She squealed! "I knew you were familiar, your that girl that always walks around with your head down and you never talk to anyone. I don't even see you at lunch." I didn't know whether to feel creeped out that she knew so much about me, when the only time I remembered her was when I bumped into her a while back.

"Oh, yeah." My mouth couldn't really form any other words to say, and my mind was just stuck on Jackson as he got up to leave.

"My friend, kind of has something with you and I want to know what it is if you don't mind me asking." I furrowed my eyebrows, basically asking who her friend was.

"His names' Jackson?" She asked, and my eyes slightly widened as I was about to ask her to repeat what she just said.

But then someone said my name. "Ebony?" And I knew the familiar voice from behind me. I turned and watched as Jackson looked between Paris and I, a slightly confused expression on his face as I gulped.

"I-I actually was just coming to see you." I remember Paris is still here and I glance back at her as she gives me a soft smile, and then winks. "We can finish our conversation later." She says, standing up to leave as I feel a little bad for having her leave.

But then again, her question was odd. Jackson has a liking to me?

I quickly shook the thought away as I noticed Jackson about to take a seat in Paris' recent spot. I extended my leg, and tried my best to stop him from sitting there by putting the top of my foot on the seat, as I couldn't quite reach all the way. "I don't think we should talk here."

Something deep inside of me felt like I was being watched. And with the many people scrambling around the cafe, it wasn't stupid of me to think so as I glanced around the small area.

Jackson stands up as I do the same, and make my way out of the cafe. We begin to walk, and silence surrounds us I play with my hands as many doubts come to my mind.

What if he doesn't have the money? I ask myself, as I feel my heart pound against my chest at the thought.

But I soon get taken out of my thoughts as Jackson speaks. "So.." he says with a low breath, and I finally gather enough courage as I stop in front of him and try to think of a way to say what I have to say, without him thinking of me a certain way.

"What I'm about to tell you may sound odd, but please do not judge me immediately." My eyes searched his own, as he nodded and eyed me.

I gulped, and looked away as I rummaged through my brain for words to explain to him why I needed the money first of all. "I thought long and hard about my decision. And I imagined what my life would be like, and how much greater it will be with this." I scanned Jacksons face then, looking for any change in emotion to tell me that what I was saying was affecting him.

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