6|chocolate peace[es]

Start from the beginning

With every jump she did, I noticed she would smile. It was a smile that had me torn in two.

A smile that had me feeling like if I wasn't the one to see the full smile, I'd go crazy.

And then as she jumped in the air, I noticed her stomach. The scattered bruises that were across her flat stomach brought me back to reality.

I stood up then, and quickly walked away. What was happening to me?

Before I knew it, I had trekked a couple of miles and I was making my way down the stairs to the pub.

I pushed the door and stepped in as I was once again met with its familiar smells.

"Aye Jackie, come." Markus, another one of our gang members called me over as I sighed and walked over to him.

Only Jerry and him could actually get my attention. If it was anyone else, I would've ignored them and went straight back to my room.

Unlike the rest of us, Markus came from a family. Not his parents or anything, but a wife, and child.

No one knows why he left though.

"I know your still trying to defeat the Darwins." He looked up at me as I shrugged and glanced around the place to see if Jerry was around. But knowing his great hearing, I simply shrugged with an "okay."

He nodded and sighed. "And I know what they did is still affecting you, and it's affected all of us tremendously. But your not going to be able to defeat them alone." He pulled out a map from underneath the couch then, and lay it out on the table.

"This is a map of the Darwin headquarters, and their usual kidnapping spots. If you let me work with you, we'll be sure to get things done." His eyes found mine again as I thought about what he was saying.

"Are we done here?" I asked, as Markus eyed me for another second before nodding with a sigh.

I quickly turned and made my way to the bar that didn't have Paris, as I put on my apron and began to get things ready for the needy customers.

But Markus' offer was still evident in my mind all the while.



I felt like the box was watching me. Like it was waiting for me to do something so that it could pop open and eat me alive or something.

I tried to avoid even looking at it by putting it behind my backpack, but even then my brain couldn't focus as all I thought about was feeling watched and the temptation to look inside the box that the lady said would bring me the one thing I've been trying so hard to find for years now.


If it was the truth, and this box really was going to bring me that one thing, I don't know how I'd feel.

How I would react.

And so after dancing and feeling myself settle down, and my lungs expand with the need to bare oxygen, I finally sat down and grabbed the box.

As it sat before me now, I took the time to examine the box. It's purple overlay was settling and the purple sparkly ribbon was kind of cute.

'Peace' was all I thought about, no matter what was inside it would bring me peace.

What if it was a knife for me to finally let myself go with? Or even a book that could bring me to another world.

As I opened the box, and the contents inside lay before me, I felt dumb to not think it would be chocolate.

Each piece was neatly wrapped in a gold wrapper, and had a stamp on them.

It was a curvy, fancy M. It must've been hand made by Maggie.

I took a piece from its delicate bed, and unwrapped the blanket from it. As it was bare, I sniffed it, and to my senses it smelled delicious. 

Mainly chocolate, but a little bit of caramel and maybe even peanut butter.

Something I haven't had the chance to indulge in or smell in a while.

I brought the round treat to my lips and bit into it. Instantly a gush of warm caramel flowed into my mouth, and the peanut butter and chocolate outside melted with it.

But what really had my mouth left gaping open, was how my body reacted to it. I felt relaxed, and even at bay. My mind was gone from its usual worry and fright, and I now felt like I was riding on clouds with no worry in the world to care for.

All I felt was peace, and I didn't care what she put into these candies to bring it to me.

After that, I ate a couple more and closed the lid with many left to indulge in. I knew I couldn't bring it back to Gales in case he'd find it and destroy it, so I decided to leave it here.

I pushed it underneath the bench and got up to change. As I put on my sweater, and headed for the door, my entire body froze as the door slammed open.

And Gale stomped in.


I have questions to ask... *smirks*

Do you think Ebony is going to actually take the money?

What's your thoughts on Jackson?

What if I did a chapter on Gales POV? Or just like a little snippet of what he thinks? (Obviously no one wuld give two shits.)

Lol, those are some of the questions that I hope to answer and clear up in upcoming chapters. Continue to vote and comment please, it really means a lot to me!

Love all of you guys!

*also unedited*


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