Always Remember...22

Start from the beginning

" My name isn't Cole Hendricks, it's Cole Leon. I'm not realy tweenty three, I'm acutally tweenty one. I'm not poor but my fithly rich and yes I'm suppose to be King once I turn tweenty four," He just stood there and lissened. Cole definately has a lot of explaining to do.

Autumn snorted at his explanition, and shock her head. " So tell me this. Why did you feel the need to lie to us for so long? Clearly we were going to find out sooner ot later so why? Oh, wait I got it. Since Kendal is an only child and if he dies your taking over his kindom also? The only reason why would offered to help us in the first place is because you wanted more power!" She yelled at Cole. 

My mate was being a little feisty and that turned me on, for crying out loud I think there is something wrong with my sex drive. It's like every little thing that she does turns me on. Cole on the other hand stayed absolutely calm. He didn't raise his voice nor did he take what she said easily. He looked at her and smiled a little. Out of all times he choose's now to smile while we were having a serious discussion. 

His smile only turned into a smirk, " Nathan I think you should calm your girl down a little cause she's starting to tic me off." This statement just made cupcakes already bad mood even worse because her arms dropped and her hands started forming in fist. That way my cue to jump in, I quickly pulled cupcake to me ignoring the warn feeling that she always gave me. 

" Before I was rudly interupted I was going to say that I'm not taking over the Leon thron even though I'm next in line to be king. I don't want to be king because before I could be king I'm going to have to marry and I haven't found the right girl yet. That's the reason why Kandal wants to get married with Kourtney. The sooner he gets married the faster he gets the thron. Me on the other hand don't want to marry just any girl, I want to love her and warn her before I take her into my world. I want to be able to have a family that not in front of the eyes of the world. I act the way I do because I don't like being a spoiled brat that lives off of their family money and the reason why I lied to you guys was because I didn't want anyone in America finding out who I really am. Once people find out I'm a prince they'll start treating me different, just like how your jumping to conclusion about me,"  Cole said referring to Autumn. 

Autumn expression changed from angery, to calm and then to guilt. I dropped my arms away from her knowing that she wasn't going to attach Cole anymore but still kept an eye on her incase her mod changed again. " I'm so sorry Cole," she whispered with her hand over her mouth. He rolled his eyes at her before getting off the bed and walking towards the door.  He paid her no mind while walking to the door and slamming it shut behind him. 

Now it was just Autumn and I and we were both quiet. She didn't say anything, she just keep starring at the spot where Cole was once sitting in as if she was lost in a daze. " Nathan, I didn't mean to offend or to jump to conclusions I just though that---" she trailed off and looked at me. " I'm such a horrible person!" she yelled.

" No your not," I told her, I wanted to huge her and make her feel better but not now. I don't think I'll be in control if I do that. Just a three more days and then I'm home free....Free to do anything that runs through my wild fantasy. 

Two days later---STILL NATHAN'S P.O.V.

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