Upside Down

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Ever since you became a doctor, you instantly became friends with Stephen Strange. You seemed to connect in every way, and you were able to deal with his usually arrogant personality.

But that night, everything changed.

You received a call from Christine telling you that Stephen had been in a terrible car accident. Worry took over you and you immediately left your apartment towards the hospital.

When you arrived, they were taking him to the emergency room and you rushed after him, but they instructed you to wait outside.

And so you did, reluctantly, for hours.

You walked around. You chatted with Christine. You ate something. You played on your phone. Anything to distract you from thinking about Stephen.

Finally, they let you in and you slowly walked inside, followed by Christine.

You were shocked at the sight of Stephen. His skin was red and wounds covered him from head to toe. His arms and legs were raised to keep his blood flowing (I'm guessing) and he seemed to feel disgusted to look that way.

You approached him and he avoided your gaze.

"You can talk to him first. I'll go wait outside," Christine whispered to you.

You waited until she closed the door and you stepped forward, "How are you doing?"

"How does it look like I'm doing?" He answered with a bitter tone. "I have cables connected to my body in order to stay alive and I can barely move."

"I know... But you'll get better. After some months maybe you'll even be working again and-"

"I won't be! After some months I'll still be ruined! After some months I won't have a job... The doctor's warned me... I won't be able to control the shaking of my hands... Have you ever heard of a neurosurgeon with shaky hands?"

"No, but-"

"It's impossible! All of my work... all of my years working here will be wasted..."

You started to get pissed at his attitude, but you tried to stay calm,  "Don't say that Stephen. You'll find a way, I'm sure of it."

"Well, there is another way. A way to speed up the process, to speed up my healing."

"No, it's too risky, Stephen!"

"It's my only option! If I make that choice, it could bring my life back to normal; but if I never try, I'll regret it for the rest of my life."

So he made a choice. And it wasn't working... at least not for him.

You visited him a few weeks after the accident and you found him staring out from his wall-size window.

"Is everything all right?"

"No. It never is."

You sighed as you reached the table behind him and looked at his writing. He had been practicing, but it still wasn't like it used to be.

"You're getting better, I see."

"Still not good enough."

All that time he stared at the window, so you stood next to him.

"Nothing will ever be perfect, Stephen. But change will always come. Some things will always be turned upside down. As long as we adjust to it, we'll survive. That's all that matters."

"You're speaking as if we're in an apocalypse."

"You're speaking as if there's no hope left."

He turned to look at you. He seemed to inspect every little detail of your eyes, and you looked down from his intimidating gaze.

"You're smart, Y/N. You have a good future ahead of you, I can tell. But my life as a neurosurgeon is over. There's no way around it."

But there was a way. He had heard of a way, and he was going to find it.

He talked to a man that went through the same experience. He traveled to Tibet (I think) and was trained in Kamar-Taj. He learned the ways of the mystic arts, and his hands were slowly relieved from the shaking; as much as they could be.

But there was something missing. No, not something. Someone.

It was an increasing feeling that Stephen couldn't take away. He talked to Christine, but it was still there. He couldn't think of anyone else that could possibly affect him like that except... you.

When he realized, he created a portal to the hospital. He assumed you would still be working there, but you weren't.

"Where's Y/N?" He asked Christy.

"Didn't she tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"She was given a promotion in London. She lives there now. Well at least she will."

"You mean she's still here?"

"I don't know... we haven't spoken in a while. But you can try to see if she's in her apartment."

"I will. Thanks."

And with that he left. He made another portal and walked out, just as you were holding a box to start packing your belongings. Which you dropped. 

As soon as he saw you he felt a wave of relief wash over him. And the feeling that had been bothering him for so long finally went away. He hugged you and, after fully processing what was going on, you hugged him back.

"Stephen, you-you're back! You look so different..."

"Different good or-"

"Yeah, good."

He smiled and held your hands. You noticed the shaking had decreased a lot since the last time you saw him.

"Your hands are doing much better now."


"Do you still want to be a neurosurgeon?"

"Maybe as another job apart from saving the world."

"Saving the world? What have you been doing?"

He laughed and then sighed, "So you're moving to London?"

"Yeah... I finally got a promotion!"


"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't leave, Y/N."

"But this is really important for me, Stephen."

"Is it? What's the real reason you're leaving?"

You sighed, you didn't want to tell the truth, but that's what you did, "Well, ever since you left I realized that I missed you too much. Everything around me reminded me of you and I couldn't take it anymore. So when I heard a hospital in London was recruiting doctors, I didn't hesitate."

"Well what if I came back? Would you stay?"


He drew closer as your faces were inches apart, and he sealed the space between your lips.

You were definitely going to stay. Even if it turned your life upside down.


A/N: So what did you think? Should I keep writing them?

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