Childhood Memory

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Recently, you remembered a time when you and Stephen were little. While you were playing hopscotch on your neighborhood sidewalk, Stephen drew on it with chalk.

"So, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't know... It's so far away..."

"Yeah, I guess-"

"Ow!" You screamed as you tripped on a broken tile and fell against the concrete.

Stephen rushed to your side, "Are you okay?"

"I-I think I hurt my ankle!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you," he said as he lifted you up bridal style. After a minute, he spoke up, "I think I know what I want to be when I grow up now."


"A doctor! So I'll always be there to take care of you," he said with a proud smile; and you knew you would never forget that moment.

And as you were being taken to the hospital, you remembered it again.

(I wanted the injury to sound more epic than just falling down the stairs - which I did once so don't feel bad if that happened to you - so let's say you went skydiving)

"You went what?!" Stephen asked as he stood next to your hospital bed.

"Skydiving; I guess I was feeling risky today. But then the parachute broke and thankfully I fell on the water, but then I hit my head against a rock and I got a concussion. So I wanted to get my brain checked just in case, and they said you were the best doctor here, and when I heard your name, I knew it had to be you, so I asked for you specifically. Which brings us to now."

"Okay, well that's a story I could only hear from you," he laughed. "How are you feeling right now?"

"Better I guess..."

"Good. I'll just take an x-ray to make sure." (I don't know if that's how it would actually work but I'm not a doctor so..)

While he prepared everything you asked, "So you actually became a doctor, huh?"

"Yeah... but what do you mean by 'actually'?"

"You don't remember, do you? And I'm the one that got a concussion..."

"No, sorry... Anyway, are you ready for that x-ray?"


After some minutes, which seemed to take forever, the checkup was done and Stephen told you that you were fine but you would need to rest for a while. So, after all that was done, you were faced with the sudden realization that you would leave once more and you probably wouldn't see Stephen again for a long time.

"So, um, I guess this is goodbye," you said in disappointment.

"Yeah... But we'll have to hang out again sometime," he paused and kissed your cheek. "You are the reason I became a doctor after all..."

You blushed slightly and asked in disbelief, "So you do remember?"

Unfortunately, before he could answer, you were pulled outside by Christine, who was anxiously waiting to check if you were okay, "Y/N, are you all right?! I never thought you were the skydiving type."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," you answered; but in your mind you were still thinking about Stephen.


A/N: Hope you liked it! And I already got three more chapters planned which I hope will turn out longer so stay tuned!

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