A Punny Night

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A/N: Isn't the picture beautiful? Anyway, get ready for some puns! They might suck but oh well...

F/F/F: favorite frozen yogurt flavors (if you're vegan or something like that, they have vegan flavors - at least at the fro-yo places where I live)


It all happened so suddenly. She was the Ancient One. It was in her name. You weren't expecting her to leave so soon. She meant so much to you. She helped you through everything, all the highs and lows. And you didn't even get to say goodbye. You cried a lot that night - a lot - and you didn't want to face anyone. But your boyfriend was a special exception. He always knew how to make you feel better.

Stephen came up to you and wrapped you in a hug. He caressed your hair and kissed it. "It's going to be okay," he whispered.

You sniffled, "I know... I just miss her, that's all."

"She died a few minutes ago."

"I know, but I still miss her."

"I do, too. Hey," he tilted your head to make you face him. "How about we go out for fro-yo? That always cheers you up."

You smiled weakly, "Good idea."

He drove (slowly. No distractions while driving, right Stephen?) you to your favorite fro-yo shop, and you skipped to the entrance. He opened the door for you and you bowed elegantly before entering. He chuckled and entered after you. The cashier waved and you walked over to the machines. You studied the choices carefully while playing with the cup on your hands. Choosing the right fro-yo flavor is an important decision. Finally, you decided on F/F/F, and made your way to the toppings section. That was maybe an even harder decision to make. There were gummy bears, candy bar pieces, tiny candies, syrups... so many. You made your choice and placed the fro-yo on the scale. Stephen placed his after yours and he payed the correct amount. You took a seat at a booth with Stephen in front of you and gleefully began eating the sweet-treat.

"Is yours good?" you asked him.

"Marvelous," he answered with a smirk. You giggled. "You like puns?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"In that case, isn't it strange how we are the only customers right now?"

"Yes, very strange," you answered.

"But I like the art on the walls. They almost have a mystic feel to them."

"Really?" you said before getting a mild brain freeze.

"Do you need a doctor?"

"No... that one felt a little forced."

He thought for a second, "Okay, then I'll have to avenge it with a better pun. Ow-" It was his turn to get a brain freeze.

"Don't get frozen for 70 years."

"You should leave the puns to me," he laughed.

"Well, that was more of a reference," you agreed.

"True," he paused and pondered while a new customer entered the shop. "Oh, look! A stranger."

You cringed, "We should stop this now."

"Yeah, I guess I wouldn't want us to keep going infinitely."

"And what if we end up having a pun civil war? I wouldn't want to force our friends to pick sides."

"And if we combined them, it would turn out as an infinity war."

By then you both cringed. "Yeah, let's stop," you decided.

He nodded, "I'm glad to see you're feeling better."

You gave him a warm smile, "You always make me feel better."

You bent over the table to share a kiss. You both smiled and he reached over to hold your hand. He rubbed your thumb with his, "Shall we head back?"

You looked down at your frozen yogurt. With your conversation, most of it had melted. It turned out you didn't really care. As long as you had Stephen, he was the most important. "Yeah, let's go."

You still missed the Ancient One. It was going to be hard to get over her death; but at least that night you had made some progress.


A/N: This was so cringy! At least to me... but oh well. It was fun to write.

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