The Babysitter

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A/N: I was literally watching a live stream of giraffes while writing this... What is my life?


Stephen calmly read a book while sipping tea. He was having a rather enjoyable morning, until the Ancient One entered the library with an extra serious face.

"One of my students brought her niece to the temple," she exclaimed. "And now she expects me to take care of her."

"Oh, well, you aren't extremely busy, are you?" Stephen asked, looking back down at his book.

"Yes, I am busy, Stephen. That's why you'll take care of her!"

"What? I can't take care of a child!"

"Why? You aren't extremely busy, are you?" she said, copying what Stephen had told her.

He sighed, "I hate it when you do that... Fine, bring her in."

The Ancient One walked out of the room and returned with an adorable little girl. You shyly hid behind the Ancient One's robes, and poked your head out once in a while to take a peek.

She turned to face you and bent down in front of you, "Y/N, I want you to stay with Stephen until I'm done with training. You think you can do that for me?"

You really admired the Ancient One, even though you thought she looked funny, so you agreed. You nodded your head and ran up to Stephen, just as the Ancient One closed the door behind her. You stared up at Stephen and he raised an eyebrow. You reached up to touch the Eye of Agamotto, but he moved away.

"The Eye of Agamotto is very powerful. You can't play with it," he clarified. You pouted and made puppy eyes, and he looked away to avoid your gaze. "You're still not getting it."

You huffed and climbed onto his lap. You played with his hair and poked his cheeks (careful not to cut yourself with them ;) jk) and he started to get annoyed, "Could you stop that?"

"You're boring!" you said disappointedly while getting down from his lap. When you heard he was the next sorcerer supreme, you were expecting an amazing magician, not a grouch.

"I'm not boring!" he defended himself. "I'm just not used to being around children!"

You stuck your tongue out at him, "Too bad!"

"Fine. You want something interesting? Come here."

You slowly walked up to him, not sure what to expect. He took the flower from your hair and used the Eye of Agamotto to turn it back into a seed, into a pile of crumbled dry petals, and then back to into a flower. Your eyes widened and you grew a huge smile. "Again! Again!"

He smirked, "Whose boring now?"

"The Eye's interesting, not you. Do something else!"

He used the Cloak of Levitation to float above the air, and created vexes around his hands. After he got back down to the ground, you rushed up to him and petted his cloak. It left his shoulders and wrapped around yours, most of it ending up on the floor. It rose you up and you flew around the room like Supergirl.

"Still boring?"

"Not the cloak, but you are!" you shouted from the ceiling.

He sighed, "Nothing I do satisfies you..."

The cloak placed you down on the floor again and returned to Stephen. You walked up to him and hugged him. Well, at least the only part of him that you could reach.  Then, out of nowhere, Kaecilius jumped out of the ceiling and landed in front of you, scraps of concrete falling after him. Stephen got in front of you and hid you from him.

"What are you doing here?" Stephen asked.

"I heard a child was in here. It's never too early to start recruiting students..."

"You're not getting her! I won't allow you to!"

"We'll see about that."

They proceeded to attack each other and you hid behind a bookshelf. Kaecilius was winning but then Stephen gained the upper hand. You covered your eyes, and looked through the slots between your fingers. You didn't want to be kidnapped by a creep with weird make-up. Finally, Stephen won and he pushed Kaecilius through a portal, sending him far away from the temple.

"Y/N! Where are you?" he called you.

You ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm here! I was so scared!" you cried.

He got down on his knees and hugged you, and the cloak wrapped around you both. "Shh, it's okay. You're safe now," he calmed you.

"You're definitely not boring!" you decided.

He smiled. You got up on a stool and pretended to be Stephen. The cloak placed itself on your shoulders and you shouted, "I am the sorcerer supreme!" before stumbling off the stool. Thankfully, the cloak caught you mid-fall, so you didn't get hurt.

 Thankfully, the cloak caught you mid-fall, so you didn't get hurt

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You and Stephen laughed, before the Ancient One entered the room.

"I'm glad to see you're having fun," she commented.

"Yeah! I had an awesome time! This bad guy came out of nowhere and Stephen fought him and- and-" you ranted.

"Okay, well, now it's time for you to go back to Auntie May (yes, I did that)."

"You have to take her now? I was hoping I could take care of her a little longer..." Stephen said in disappointment.

The Ancient One smiled, "I'm sorry, Stephen. Maybe you'll get to take care of her another time."

"I'll make sure of that! I'm gonna beg Auntie May!"

"Even with the puppy eyes?" Stephen asked with a smirk.


You hugged him and left with the Ancient One to go back to your aunt. That day you made up your mind. He was the best babysitter you ever had.


A/N: Was it good? Are the author notes annoying? Probably...

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