Date Night

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A/N: The part in the video where I took the line from is more towards the end, around 2:40, if you want to skip to it, but I thought the rest was pretty funny, too. Also Eddie Redmayne is in it so that's a bonus... Unless you don't like him...

F/F: favorite flower
F/C: favorite color
F/H: favorite hairstyle

Imagine: You have been in a relationship with Stephen Strange for a while and he decides to take you out on a date.

As you were walking around the temple, someone pulled you over against a wall. You smiled when you realized it was Stephen.

He kissed you and, with a playful tone, he said, "Something occurred to me..."

You giggled, "What?"

"We haven't been on a date for a long time. I think that's a crime we should fix."

"You're right... But I'm not going out with you if you ask me like that," you sneaked under his arm and kept walking.

"What was wrong with that?" He called after you.

You smiled and left without a response. You didn't see him for a long time after that and you started to worry that he gave up on the idea. On the other hand, you were very hopeful that the whole time he was just planning something for you. You were right.

As you walked into the main room, (I know I keep calling it that and it must be annoying, but I have no idea how it's called) you saw the whole space covered with flowers, petals and candles. Stephen stood in the middle with a huge bouquet of F/F, wearing a suit.

He smirked and with a deep voice he said, "If you're feeling a bit strange... The doctor will see you now."

"Wow! You came up with a catchphrase and everything! I'm impressed..."

"Well, I really wanted to make the start special."

"Wait, this is just the start?" You said with surprise.

"Yes. I have the whole evening planned! But you'll need to change into something more sophisticated," he signaled to your close-to-dirty temple clothes.

"Oh, yeah, of course. I'll be right back."

You rushed to your room and changed into an elegant, F/C dress, and F/C shoes. You put on the best make-up you had and styled your hair into F/H. After that, you chose your jewelry and you were finally done.

As you re-entered where Stephen was waiting, you caught him with his Eye of Agamotto, keeping the candles from melting and the flowers from withering.

"That's how everything stayed so perfect! I knew you had some kind of trick up your sleeve!"

When he turned to face you, his mouth fell open, "Y/N, you look... Georgeous!"

"Really? Thanks! Anyway, what do you have planned for us this evening?"

"Well, I thought we would go out to dinner, and then go for a walk around the park."

"Is there a park close by here? Because, you know," you pointed to your shoes, "heels..."

"Oh, don't worry it won't require walking. We're going on a jet to New York!"

"Seriously? Wow..."

"I told you I had everything planned," he took your hand. "Let's go!"

The ride in the jet was amazing. It had been a long time since the trip that took you to Kamar-Taj, and it amazed you to see the sights again.

The dinner at the restaurant was definitely fancy, especially since the menu didn't even include the prices. You felt bad for knowing that you couldn't pay for anything - because Stephen wouldn't let you - but at the same time you were glad to be able to be ignorant of the prices. Whatever your meal cost, it was delicious, and you made a note on your imaginary list to go there again.

Then, it was finally time for the walk around central park and, thankfully, not too many people were there; that way you could have more privacy.

"You know, I was thinking that after the whole civil war event, Captain America would have to say 'Avengers... Reassemble!'" you said while punching the air. Stephen rolled his eyes, "C'mon, you know I'm right!"

He let out a chuckle and held your hand, "Whatever you say..."

You leaned your head against his shoulder and sighed with pleasure. He mimicked your movements and began to whistle.

"I know that tune! Are you going to start singing to a City of Stars?"

"Only if you sing with me..."

You laughed, "Fine." (Don't watch the end suggestion clips if you don't want any possible spoilers)

When it was time to head back to Kamar-Taj, you weren't ready for the night to end. Unfortunately, there was only so much time in the night until it became morning, and you also weren't ready to drop on the ground because of how tired you were.

So, after you arrived, you both headed to your room and you hugged Stephen, "Thank you. I had a wonderful time."

"Me too," he kissed you. He trailed down your jaw to your neck, and you fell on top of your bed. You kissed him passionately, and that's how the night ended.


A/N: In contrast to the last one, I thought I would make this one more cuddly, so I hope you liked it! Any requests? Any sequels to the ones I already wrote?

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