The Monster Within: Part 3

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Requested by: actunique


Your time spent with Stephen in Kamar-Taj was quite peaceful, but something told you it was going to end soon. It was one of those sixth sense warnings that you received once in a while; and they were usually right. Stephen sensed you tense up so he held your hand tighter. You looked up at his striking blue eyes and let go of a shaky breath.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just- um. I have a bad feeling that something evil is coming our way," you explained.

He looked down with worry, "Oh. Do you know what exactly?"

"No, but I think it's related to my past." A large part of you was worried that the incoming danger was linked to the ones who made you a killer.

You couldn't let go of your worry for the rest of the day, until you heard people fighting in the library. You ran to it, surprised to find Wong fighting one of the caped people. You lunged at him, but he dodged your attack. He punched you and you fell to the ground. You tried to hypnotize him but his cape covered his eyes, preventing you from doing anything. Wong attacked him once more, before the caped warrior stabbed him in return. He fell to his knees, holding on to his bleeding torso. You screamed, "No!" making the warrior bring his attention back to you.

You stood up and swung to kick him, but someone else got a hold of you from your back. They covered your mouth with a cloth and you drifted away. By the time you woke up, you didn't know where you were. You tried to remember, but your mind was a blurry mess. You saw a man slowly walk up to you with a grin, "Hello, Y/N. Nice to see you again." Something about his voice seemed familiar, but you couldn't find a face to match it. "I was disappointed when I found out how easy it was to capture you. I'm sorry to say, but I think Strange really is making you weaker. So consider the fact that we captured you a favor. By the time the process is finished, you'll no longer remember who Doctor Strange, or who any of your friends are."

"What are you talking about?" The only thing detectable in your voice was fear and anger.

The man didn't answer; he only left you to worry and eventually forget about everything you cared about. Hours went by, but to you they felt like minutes, and the only thing on your mind was to kill Doctor Strange; and this time you didn't plan to fail. You left to Kamar-Taj, and opened the door by force. You found Stephen calmly sipping tea, and he rushed to hug you once he saw you; dropping his tea all over the floor.

"There you are! I was so worried about you!" He said with a big smile.

You were confused. What was he thinking? You were enemies, not friends! But if that's what he believed, you figured you could use it to your advantage.

"Sorry, I just... got lost on the way here," you lied.

"Oh? I guess that's better than being attacked."

"Yes, definitely," You decided you would attempt to hypnotize him, so you prepared your glowing eyes.

He noticed and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" How could he tell what you were planning to do?

"Your eyes are glowing. They only do that when you hypnotize people. Were you trying to hypnotize me? You know that doesn't work on me anymore. It only works on people you aren't fond of."

"What? But..."

"Y/N, is everything alright? You've been acting so different ever since you arrived..." He trailed off. Something was off about you, but he didn't know what.

"That's because she is different, Strange," a caped man said out of nowhere. "She's back to normal. To the way she was meant to be."

"What? Who are you?" Stephen's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what was going on.

"I think you should be worried about who your precious Y/N is... She's back to being an assassin. And she's here to kill you, along with us," two more people stepped from behind the leader, making themselves visible.

Stephen desperately grabbed your shoulders and tried to remind you of the reason you couldn't hypnotize him. However, no matter what he did, you still couldn't remember a thing about your relationship. Mordo and Wong showed up when they heard the commotion, ready to fight, although Wong was covered with bandages and still appeared to be in pain.

You removed Stephen's hands off your shoulders and kicked him on the ribs. He staggered back, attempting not to fall. Mordo and Wong joined the fight and soon warriors were flying across the room. You kept fighting Stephen, but he refused to injure you. He ordered his cloak to capture you and, even though it didn't succeed at first, it covered you completely and didn't let go. Stephen thought of ways he could make you understand how much you meant to him, and he eventually decided on something simple. He cupped your face and brought his lips close to yours. You struggled to move away but stopped when he whispered, "I love you." He kissed you passionately and your memories started flowing back. You couldn't believe you could ever forget about the most important people in your life. You parted away from the kiss and smiled, "I love you, too." The cloak took it as a sign to let you go and you hugged Stephen tightly after it returned to its spot around his neck.

You later let go of Stephen and looked around you, realizing that Mordo and Wong were still battling your enemies. You hypnotized them, and guided them through a portal to a desert, where they could never bother you again. Before closing it, you shouted, "You were wrong! Stephen doesn't make me weaker, he only makes me stronger! I would have never been able to hypnotize you if it wasn't for the power he gives me. So, 'I'm sorry to say' that your plan failed." You closed the portal and let out a sigh of relief. You were glad to know that you wouldn't have to deal with them anymore, and that now you could live in peace with the ones that mattered most.

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